This was posted 10 years 1 month 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

WRC Plus Subscription - 20% off - Approximately $57 AUD for Season Pass


Obscure deal I know, but anyone interested in WRC, the WRC Plus has really stepped it up last year, offering great features such as;

+Up to 3 hours HD live coverage per event
+Live stages featuring iconic roads and power stages
+Including live onboard- and helicopter footage
+Live commentary from experts and special guests


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closed Comments

  • Thanks for the post!

    But I'm unable to subscribe, when i check my profile, there is nothing under "Subscriptions".

    Tried with both Chrome and IE.

    Edit. Nevermind. You have to click the ad on the homepage to subcsribe.

  • For those of you with an existing sub, what's it like? I mean, the feature list up there sounds good, but what is it actually like to use? Do you find you get access to all the bits that really matter? Is the quality good/fine/great (and on what connection)? What device do you you use to watch?

    I sub to Netflix/Hulu/EPL, and love those. For $57 I'm tempted to give this a go.

  • Ditto to LaTerrible's comment…

    Anyone use this with Chromecast?

  • +1

    Hi guys, I usually download the torrents a week or two after the events, and try really hard not to see/hear anything that might give away the result in that time.

    A few pros and cons with this. Its usually 720p, and it means I can view on ipad on the train which is good. Also I don't have to stream on the go which would eat away my yearly data plan pretty quickly.

    I heard that this service is 1080p streaming from someone on FB that uses the service, not sure about the quality but i'd say as good if not better than say watching it on foxtel.

    Also to take advantage of the live features, it would only be good if you were ok with late nights early mornings as the events are all over the world….

    Not sure about chromecast, it's not an app, its a website that streams the video, so I imagine if chromecast can stream video via web pages then it might work.

    I believe you can sign up for a single event for about 8 bucks AUD, not sure if the code works for that or only a seasons pass.

    I think I might try it out and see what I think - I will post back here and let you guys know after the weekend.

    • Beauty, thanks. I look forward to your thoughts.

      • Hello there, Well I signed up and may I say, content. Content, content, content.
        There are so many videos and features to explore. Full topo maps of stages, with onboard footage from heaps of different drivers. Also plenty of feature video on different drivers - can't wait to explore that.

        Unfortunately I didn't get to see any live footage busy with other commitments, I'm sure it would be just as good as the replay footage.

        On a 42" Samsung Tv, the footage looks pretty sharp. I'm a bit of a purist and I do love downloading the 720p versions that must be ripped off cable TV (although not all rounds have the proper HD footage)

        Its perfectly watchable, I would love to see it a bit better quality, but if it was, then it might not stream for some people. The app on the Ipad is ok, but the video size is a little small, quality was similar.

        Send me a PM and I will offer you to login to my account for a few days and see for yourself (it states you can have two logins at the same time, so I shouldn't get my IP banned)

        I am going to subscribe for the year.


        • +1

          Thanks for the kind offer! As it turns out, I took the plunge myself and same as you, have been somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of content!

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