PINCHme - selling your details to third parties

Firstly, I hope this is in the correct part of the forum as I have not posted here before.

Since I see that the PINCHme offers get quite a lot of attention / discussion here I thought my experience might be relevant and wondered if anyone else has had the same issue.

On Monday I received an email from PINCHme about a competition to win $20,000 cash (or a selection of other prizes), the email was from PINCHme but linked to a survey from a different company. Since I've had good experiences with PINCHme I thought the whole thing was trustworthy. If anyone here entered the 'competition' then you'd know now that it is really more of a survey under the guise of competition, of course I didn't know when I began the entry process.

Basically page after page of being asked questions about banking / real estate / insurance and the like and being prompted to choose whether you would like to be contacted from companies in regards to their services / products. At every stage I elected NOT to be contacted. Shortly after completing the competition / survey I started to receive calls from Dodo and they haven't stopped. It's been 5 calls within 24 hours. I have never been contacted by Dodo in the past, and haven't received any telemarketing or similar calls for weeks, possibly months. So I am positive PINCHme have sold my details to Dodo.

I already emailed PINCHme but I'm honestly just expecting a form reply or no reply at all. Would love to know if anyone else is getting barraged with calls after entering this competition (and if they elected NOT to be contacted by any companies). Cheers.

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  • +2

    That's been happening for awhile.. I just close that window cause getting spammed is not worth the "extra entries"

  • Thanks for the replies. I was very careful to select 'NO' to any communication from any companies. My fault for ever entering this silly comp, I got sucked in by the thoughts of a cool $20,000 prize. (I normally never enter anything like this but being sent from PINCHme lent it an air of credibility.)

    After some harsh words with Dodo they stopped calling me 3 times a day.

    Never entering a 'competition' like that again, I've learned my lesson for good now!

  • PinchME (well, its database of a half-million subscribers) was recently bought by a company called AussieCommerce.

    BRW: ‘The richest database I’ve seen’: why AussieCommerce bought Jeremy Reid’s PinchME

    The eight employees of PinchME Australia are already installed at AussieCommerce’s offices at Wynyard in Sydney, and its 500,000-strong database of subscribers are a source of wonder

    "…the information they’ve gathered on subscribers is the richest I’ve seen.”

  • Had a similar experience. I will NEVER enter another competition from PinchMe. Just grab the freebies.

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