I love a bargain but I wouldn't be doing these!

Saw this in todays Herald Sun. I can't believe people would be doing some of these!


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  • +6

    There is a difference between loving a bargain and being a cheapskate.
    The water that they are using isn't any cheaper, they just use less. No bargain.

  • +5

    Some of these scream fake.

    • -1

      I watched this once on my free Fetch TV (thanks OzBargain). The show is laughably staged along with every other "reality" show on that channel.

      You'd have to be a moron not to see through the amateur acting in this American garbage.

  • +8

    News.com.au/Herald Sun are extreme recyclers of very old news. :)

    • +1

      Journalism is now called copy & paste…

  • +4

    I think the first lady needs to see a doctor.

    To save $10 a month on your water bill from not flushing you'd need to be saving a LOT of pee.

    Water in Sydney is $2.232 per 1000l, so for $10 you get 4480 litres of water. A half flush on a modern toilet uses 3 litres of water. That is 1493 flushes of your toilet, per month, or 49 per day. The human bladder holds 500-1000ml of liquid. So you're looking at expelling ~25 litres of urine every day.

  • why not move into a unit to avoid peeing in a jar, you dont pay for how much you use. Just a flat rate every quater

  • Secretly,she maybe peeing in the bottle to save it later when she gets thirsty….
    And so the cycle goes on….

  • I knew someone who would not flush the loo after doing #1 to save a couple of cents.
    When you look at your water bill the actual water is very cheap its the fees that cost $'s.
    Some people do overdo it, seriously.

  • I think even some of those methods make a bum cringe. Is the $10/month savings from peeing in a bottle really worth it, in exchange for living house that stinks of urine. And the poor girls who can only shower twice a week, hope they dont live in the high humidity areas.

    Leibee also makes her youngest daughter bring home the scraps of food her friends don’t finish at lunch.

    I would not be surprised if her daughters end up with some kind of depression or mental issue from all this torture. Bullying still does exist and can have great impact on a childs life, nothing that the money saved can fix in the future. And the baby formula, why not go further and invite yourself to other peoples dinner to save another $10000. If she actually is financially alright, then this is basically taking advantage of kind people.

    We work hard to earn money to live a better life, but it seems like these people work hard to earn money to torture themselves and bring themselves back to the 3rd world.

    • The breast milk lady isn't being tight, she is just too lazy to make the effort to breast feed.

      • It's got nothing to do with laziness. Some women simply don't produce milk.

        I think what she's doing makes perfect sense, breast milk is always better than formula, regardless of who it's from.

        The using dirty wipes on her baby is disgusting though. If she can go to the trouble of making homemade wipes for cleaning she can make a separate bunch for her baby. I just hope the kid doesn't have sensitive skin.

  • +1

    I think the first person was inspired by:
    "Yellow Yellow - Let it mellow
    When its brown - flush it down"

    • But doing this in a toilet (no one says you have to flush) has the option of you know.. a built-in lid? (Unless she's spending ~$8 on a lidded container)

    • +1

      There was this random Backyard to Bush part of Taronga Zoo with this dunny exhibit and a fake redback spider in it that I always like to visit when I'm there… When you open the door it sings 'if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down'..

  • Angela and her two teenage daughters have a roster for showering, which gives each of them two days per week — and 10 minutes max — to bathe.

    Why not just walk around with a bar of soap while it's raining / near some sprinklers?

    • I actually did that a couple of times when I was a kid (7 or 8 yrs old). It seemed like such a practical idea, especially in summer.

      In practice, its ridiculous.

    • -2

      I also think she would spend more money on medical bills treating her child for diseases she gets from stranger's breast milk!

      • The only disease that I know you can get through breast milk is HIV. And presumably she would have checked on that beforehand.

        The other transmissible issues are medication/alcohol. If she's responsible she would have checked on that beforehand. And if the women are producing milk they most likely have kids the same age as hers.

  • rather than flush her toilet, Victoria urinates into a container and empties it in the garden once or twice a week.

    Okay, that's fecking nasty.

    This personal tale will shame me, but whatever: when I was a young kid, we lived in a town house type of thing. Old Sydney house - narrow and LONG, two storey (well, three really). The toilets were downstairs, kinda basement level. Bedrooms were way high up on the top level up a winding staircase.

    It'd take a long time to get to the loo in the middle of the night if you woke up to pee. Also, we had a few doors locked before you'd get to the toilet. Remeber, I was a kid. So my mum used to leave a bucket in my room for me to piss in (charming, right? albeit practical).

    She would empty out the bucket every morning if I'd used it. If, for any reason, we were in an insane rush and she didn't get to… even if you leave that bucket there for a day… it's gonna stink of, well, piss. It ripens up pretty quickly when it's not mixed with water as it is in a toilet (even if you pee in the loo and don't flush for over a day, it's gonna stink of stale piss - I had an enviro-conscious boyfriend who wouldn't flush for #1's and… you could tell..)

    So if this chick is pissing into containers and only emptying them out once or twice a week, that is just gross.

  • we had a family friends grandmother collect the kids urine and use it on their extensive vegetable garden. I never ate their vegies again after finding that one out.

  • +1

    These people are disturbed not penny-pinchers;

    The first one goes to all the trouble of peeing in a bottle (really disgusting) but then wastes money on a gym membership? Does the cost of water usage really outweigh the gym fees?

    I read about a guy in England who only ever bathes at gyms but he never signs up permanently to one just travels around using the 7 days free period.

    With the bottled pee, presumably she would still be pooing at least once a day, so if she only flushed then, she wouldn’t have the hassle of doing what she is now. As long as she doesn’t drink a lot of alcohol and is healthy, it shouldn’t smell too bad in the loo (though cleaning off the extra stains would be a pain). I think she probably wants the urine for her compost heap to use as some kind of fertiliser.

    I can only hope she lives alone. My alcoholic father used to keep a piss bucket in his room because he was too lazy/drunk to walk to the bathroom, and he only emptied it when it got full! If she doesn’t empty her bottle at least daily it will stink up the whole room regardless of how tight the lid is.

    Don’t know why she, and that woman who only lets her daughters show twice a week, haven’t invested in a greywater system makes far more sense than this.

    Malecia’s idea of cutting up old t-shirts is stupid, reusable nappies are easy to get. My mum used them for me, though our ones were just a slightly rectangular terry cloth which you fold and pin. After I grew up she kept them as cleaning cloths for the house.

    The bartender and family thief are both sick.

    As for the Recycled Christmas, why does she need to go dumpster diving every year? Do Americans only use decorations once and then throw them out? And presumably she would be strict about people ripping the wrapping paper. So in theory she should only need to do that for one post-Christmas season, and then just keep recycling.

  • swipes various items from her loved ones and then gives them back at Christmas

    Fiscally and morally bankrupt.

  • They sound like f&$king idiots. Pissing in a bottle? Yeah, grey water for your toilet.

  • I urinate in a bottle, dilute it with used sink water and fertilise the garden with it.
    Easy and quick to do - been doing it for 10 years at least.
    Urine is a very complete fertiliser with a good mix of the required plant nutrients.
    It seems to me a awful waste to flush good drinking water down the drain along with perfectly good plant fertiliser.
    And it costs a lot to run the sewerage treatment plants.

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