Optus 4G: Get ~15GB of Mobile Data for $60 (~$4 / GB), over 30 days... conditions apply.

So, Optus has a $60 / mon plan ("SIM-only plan" in its Jan 2015 magazine), with a "Data Bonus" which lifts the monthly mobile data quota to only 6 GB, ie, $10 / GB, if only Data were of interest… unlikely.

I describe a way to reduce the cost of data - for large, even usages - to $4 / GB.

I'm clearly NOT referring to that plan… Instead, I'm thinking of one of the (quite legitimate, IMO) ways one can get value from one of Optus' MyPrePaid offerings:

  • Pay $2 / day, across 30 days (ie, $60 for the period) on MyPrePaid Daily Plus

For each of the 30 days, you'll get 500 MB (ie, ~ 0.5 GB, or ~ 15 GB across 30 days)

One obvious limitation is that - to avoid doubling some of your daily costs, you won't want to use more than 500 MB on any one day; but - if you choose to do that - paying another $2 will add 512 MB (from memory) to your data quota. Could be useful.

In addition to data, of course, you get unlimited SMS / MMS sends, and unlimited calls out, withing AU, to normal tel.no.'s, including 13 / 1300 no.'s.

Same $60 you'd pay - per month, instead of per 30 days - for 6 GB (to use across each month), but almost 15 GB, ie, well over twice the 6 GB alternative.

Of course, you should read "up to" before each data amount, above. Once the month (or each day of the 30 days) passes, you lose any unused data for that month (or for each day).

(Now, it you need LOTS more mobile data, you could pay up to $4 for up to 1 GB - per Day - across those 30 days, & get up to 30 GB forn $120.00.)

DISCLAIMER: I've onky done the arithmetic to get the above costs, &, hopefully, correctly! I leave - as an exercise for the Reader - to check all the conditions, eg, Reasonable Use clauses, etc. eg, in Optus' agreements, Critical Info Summaries, etc. Also: IANAL.

Enjoy all that mobile data, while out & about. :-)

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  • I actually read all that, definitely seems viable to me. Would be one of the best deals for 4G data around.

    • It's still costly, eg, compared with "Unlimited Mobile Data" plans in USA, I understamd.

      On the other hand, the monthly cost of Optus' offering can be less, eg, if one doesn't use the service at all (ie, messages, voice calls out & data), for one or more 24-hour days, of the 30.

  • Old. It's been part of their $2 a day plan for ages
    $2 a day gets 500Mb data and unlimited calls and SMS, additional 500mb for $2 if you go over that day

    • Quite Right.

      I just did some old fashioned Arithmetic, using an arbitrary 30 day usage period & details of the "…Daily Plus" plan.

      While $60 for 30 days' regular usage is much more than I want to pay for all the services on offer, I wanted to make sure that anyone paying ~ $60 / month, but needing more than 6 GB of Data, was aware of thismway to access almost 15 GB for about the same amount.


  • Once upon a time the Optus unlimited described calls- and data. Since then, their plans have become underpowered anticompetitive & regressive. ..but there's not much better

    • Years of dominance by Telstra have left their marks on Australia's telco/comms markets…

      Compare to Sweden, where - in Stockholm - one could (still can?) get unlimited 100 Mb/Sec DSL (ie, equally fast Up -and- Down) for ~ $40 / month.

      We don't get that much "bang for the buck" even after huge NBN investments of our tax $$$!

      Your words describe the state of AU's market.

      "Past is Prologue"

      But we can hope… & refuse to buy into lousy deals!

  • Some people still have the 3G $2 day deal, which is actually unlimited. No daily caps at all, I wish I had gotten onto that bandwagon.

  • I'm on that plan.
    I used to have unlimited internet on the 3G plan.
    But still 15G is better than any other plan.

    But the internet speed 3G/4G is the exact same.

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