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TD-W8960N specs
TD-W8980 specs
This deal makes them the cheapest online according to staticice.
Im pretty sure both have Broad-com chip set - either is a great deal
I got the W8968-V3 and very happy with it
also $2 for 2m of Cat 6
8960 is Broadcom chipset, 8980 is Lantiq chipset.
If Lantiq ever allows a firmware SNR mod, it wins.
Has anyone here bridged a TD-W8980 with another modem router? I'm keen to use this to connect a couple of wired devices on one side of my home to the main wireless network broadcasted by another router.
I've done just that, it's running in bridge mode just fine.
Yes. In fact, for me it runs better in bridged mode than modem mode.
Thoughts on the Av500, when it says single package I guess it's reffering to a single pair of EOP adaptor + another wireless access point at the EOP.
I think it would just be a single EoP adaptor + wireless AP (as shown on the web page). One EoP adaptor + EoP & Wi-Fi AP would be TP-Link TL-WPA4220KIT.
Is it worth me upgrading to the TP-LINK TD-W8960N from an old Wireless G NetComm N300-DGN2200?
I am not a heavy user watching the odd online video is probably the most intensive use of the Internet for me.
Hmm nearest store to me is an hour away and postage is about $14
Do you require faster wireless network speed? (Your devices also need to be wireless N) If not, save your money.
I would like to know the same too.
Currently have a Netgear DGN2000 (I think, definitely a netgear…2000 or 2200…)
Speed I'm getting after changing the channels within settings is not bad, however faster is always better…
Would like to know if worth upgrading to either N300 TD-W8960N $34 or N600 TD-W8980 $83?
Shipping for me is $10.91
Use a program called InSSIDer version 3
This will show you the networks around you. Overlapping channels are bad. Many networks on same channel also bad.
Thanks! I've been looking around for a program for the wifi thing.
A colleague told me about the channel changing, so I randomly changed the channels on the weekend and now sitting at channel 11, with around 9mbps download speed, which I'm quite happy with, though I'd like to know if I upgraded my modem/router to the ones on sale, will it improve speed more? I'm within 1km from the exchange according to tpg adsl2+ coverage map..
or maybe I should get one as a backup modem…?
Netgear DGN2000 is already wireless N. I don't think you'd see much difference in "speed" buying this TP link. Save your money. Look for free/other ways to improve your speed instead, eg: reducing the phone cable length to the socket, using the primary port if more than one phone plug in the house. When I reduced my telephone cable from 10metres to half a metre, and used a 10m network cable instead , my speed was only slightly better, but my gaming pings halved (ie: better)
Wifi Analyzer on the play store is another great program to monitor wifi channel congestion.
ouch. I bought this literally yesterday for $95!
I just need a simple adsl modem , wont be file sharing between computers on the same network …
would the td-w8960N be sufficient or is it worthwhile getting something better ?
EDIT: Some time down the track i would like to use VoIP though … would this router be sufficient or should i invest in something better suited ..
This is a fantastic router, if you need VoIP later just add an ATA. I've had no end of trouble with inbuilt ATAs in modems.
I've been using the W8960N for over a year and it's certainly the best modem I've owned.
Can you suggest an ATA? I'm looking to replace my all in one Billion with separate pieces, but don't have an ATA for Internode Node Phone
Thanks — John
I've used the Minitar MVA11A but it seems they don't make them anymore. A solid ATA. I've set a friend up with a N600 modem and a gigaset ata. The C610A is very well reviewed and dead easy to setup…
Internode setup guide:…
I've got the Gigaset unit connected via ethernet to my Billion on Internode and its great. Pure set and forget had never missed a beat.
Anyone know where I can buy a cheap wireless AC card? I'm looking to do a new PC build and I am starting to think its better to get one which already comes with a motherboard
I'd buy this:…
and this:…
The reason for that is that when I've done network testing with wifi, desktop usbs/card always get shit on by netbooks.
is this better than billion 7800N as a router?
Interested to know the same. B7800n very stable, but seemingly slower sync than others.
I've used the Billion 7800NXL and the TD8970 and the Billion got me better speeds and it was more reliable. I went from 10 drop outs an hour to about 3. Also The Billion was much more configurable as well. If I really needed reliability I could turn up the the SNR to the point where I might only be getting 50-100kbps instead of 1mbps but god damn it was stable (important for when I'm gaming online in team games).
BTW I can confirm that my TD8970 does heat up, if I ever leave anything on top of it, I will get decreased performance and have to restart it. It's still way better than the D-Link I use to own though.
I have had two W89890's (one returned for warranty), and although they support great features, they frequently heat up, even in an open space, to the point where they start malfunctioning (cutting out, dropping speed etc.). Have had to resort to switching off at night. Any ideas on some well-ventilated routers?
Same here. I have resorted to switching the 8980 to wireless router mode (bridged) and coupled it with an old Netgear modem and it has drastically increased stability and doesn't heat up nearly as much.
Is the EVGA power supply a good deal? I've got a bronze power supply at the moment and want to upgrade. I know 1300W is overkill, but if the pricing is right I might pull the trigger.
Do these still have the free USB dongle offer? I bought the N600 some time ago for $95 but it came with a freebie offer.
Good device btw. Getting better speeds/sync than my old netgear 2200
Ended Jan 15th from memory.
Can you limit bandwidth easily on the N300. I was thinking of a wireless network for kids, with a hard limit on how bandwidth they have to share ::)
any one know about QoS and throttling on these models / routers??
Hi folks,
I am currently using my ISP provided modem Belong's Technicolor. I am not sure if I buy this TP-LINK TD-W8960N, will it increase my download speed significantly or the same? I don't have any problem with my current $1 modem.
Please give advice/opinion. Much appreciated
If you are happy with your current modem, then there is no reason to switch.
If the info on Whirlpool is correct, you can tell what TP-Link has been doing to TD-W8960N: reducing cost by using cheaper Broadcom ADSL chipset (from bcm6358 to bcm6328).
With ADSL modem router, basically, it comes down to:
ADML modem routers with Broadcom chipsets generally are regarded highly. However, they tend to cost more. I am surprised that TP-Link put a Broadcom chipset in TD-W8960N given the price (though bcm6328 is a low end chipset). $34 for a Broadcom chipset ADSL modem is a good deal (even if it is just bcm6328). TP-Link has changed quite a few of their modems to use Trenchip and other chipsets (they were previously using Broadcom) so I am a bit cynical about the latest W8960N actually has a Broadcom based chipset.
so I am a bit cynical about the latest W8960N actually has a Broadcom based chipset
Shined a light through the vent holes of my W8960N v5.1 when it arrived to see if I could make out the chipset. What I have noted down is BCM6318 & BCM43217.
BCM6318 - a Broadcom chipset. that's good.
How much of an upgrade is this compared to Telstra's modems?
Found on eBay for $22.99 new (inc. postage) here. Paypal and returns accepted.'s just such a low price, makes me wonder if it's a fake? 23 bucks is not a bad way to find out.
Have a W8960N bridged with a Gargoyled WNDR3800. Good ADSL modem for longer distances from the exchange.