This was posted 10 years 1 month 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Adelaide] Learn to Ride a Bike OR Increase Your Cycling Confidence FREE (RRP $225)



9-11am Saturdays 31st Jan, 7th Feb and 14th Feb 2015

Learn first-hand the techniques of riding a bike in the company of Ride-a-Bike Right instructors. This course is being held at Edwards Park, Anzac Highway Adelaide. This course is for adults only.


9-11am on Sundays 1st Feb, 8th & 15th Feb 2015

Get inside knowledge on the best way to move around the traffic in the company of Ride-a-Bike instructors. This course is being held at Edwards Park, Anzac Highway Adelaide. This course is for adults only.

It appears you need to live or work in the City of Adelaide, City of Unley, City of Charles Sturt, City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters, City of Burnside or City of West Torrens. Although this is not confirmed.

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Love to Ride Australia
Love to Ride Australia

closed Comments

  • +5

    wish this was in brisbane…

    • +3


        • +3

          lrn2troll 0/10

        • -7

          This is partly true. Not sure why there's so many neg votes.

          Most drivers hate bikes on the road, especially when it's peak hour traffic.

          They don't follow road rules, go in between cars, nick people's mirrors, lean on people's cars during red lights.

          And no matter the truth, the driver is going to be blamed when an accident involving a bike.

          Despite all this, they want to be treated "the same" as drivers, yet won't pay any road-related fees.

          Oh and it's even worse when they ride on pedestrian footpaths.

        • +2

          @AzuAzu: What is this road-related fees that you mentioned…?
          Based on your statement, most drivers hates bikes on the road and pedestrian footpath, so where should bike riders ride?

        • @AzuAzu:

          yet won't pay any road-related fees.

          Ugh this uninformed rubbish again. Road upkeep is paid out of taxes. I pay taxes. In fact, I bet I pay more in tax than you do.

  • +5

    Great idea and well done to these guys. I watched the Anna Meares website/videos the other night, great seeing her giving back advice and being involved helping keep people safe on the roads! With the TDU on in Adelaide this is also a great time to be promoting something like this, hope other states catch on as well.

    • I did something similar to this last year, run by the Motor Accident Commission of SA.
      Got a few freebies as well (USB-charged flashing lights, ankle clip, fluoro backpack cover, 3-months free membership to BikeSA)

      • my work does this….

  • +1

    This is a great idea. Unfortunately I'm not in one of the right council areas.

    • People that work in the City of Adelaide, City of Unley, City of Charles Sturt, City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters, City of Burnside or City of West Torrens are eligible for prizes. Individuals who are not part of an organisation can take part as long as they live or work in one of the participating Council areas.

      doesn't say anything about whether you need this for the courses, but I guess this applies to them as well.

  • +1

    Kids can always practice at the Road Safety Centre in Bonython Park. Located along the River Torrens means you can possibly ride there along the Linear Park.

    • These are adult courses. Suitable for adults who have never been on a bike, or who aren't confident in traffic.

  • -4

    Unfortunately the people who most need this sort off thing are least likely to turn up.

    • +9

      drivers? :)

      • +2

        Majority of cyclists are fine. They abide by road rules and considerate enough to not ride double file etc.

        The problem are those people who don't have an understanding or appreciation of traffic rules and think they should be treated as pedestrians.

        Most likely seen on bike shaped objects, riding down the road dangerously against traffic or on footpaths and in dark clothes in the middle of the night with no reflectors anywhere.

        • Blahman, I agree with you that the majority of cyclists are fine as are the majority of drivers. Its the minority of both who ruin it for everyone else.

          I think it's key to remember just because you are in a car, on a bike or walking across the street shouldn't make a difference to how you treat your fellow people. It seems when we get in a car or get on a bike it changes some peoples attitudes to each other.

          I think this cartoon from The Oat Meal sums it up for me (oh and language warning).

        • +1


          Unfortunately pedestrian scenario isn't always true either.

          Was crossing Elizabeth Street in Melb CBD after work one day and some idiot pushed past from behind while cursing "Move out of the fking way!".

          SHows that no matter where you are and what you doing there are always w*nkers around.

  • +1

    $225 for two hours?

    Or 3 x 2 hr sessions.?


  • +2

    This is actually a council health initiative and competition, the RRP nonsense in the title needs to be removed. It's not a normal service or company, nor is their a normal "RRP".

    You may as well be posting a "free books" deal, with a link to the local library.

    • These courses are provided by a private training company,, that's where the RRP comes from.

  • for some reason I read this as a free course in Agile - did a triple take before realizing.

  • +3

    great initiative

    back in my day we learnt to ride a bike by getting the old man to hold the back of the seat

    we worked out what we did wrong when we crashed into tree, bush, parked car, gutter etc

    old man would let go of the seat with us knowing and then yell out 20m away you are ride by yourself

    kids these days are too lazy to persevere

    • +3

      You're one of the lucky ones. I only had handle bars and a peddle until I was 10.
      I could only dream of getting a wheel for my birthday.

      • +3

        Back in my day, we dreamt of having handlebars and a peddle. All I had was a picture of a bike, and had to walk it to school.

        • +2

          LUXURY!! All I had was some road gravel that a bike had once rode over, I had to carry that around in a little box dreaming of the day when i too might own a bike. You tell that to the kids today and they wont believe you!!!

  • -8

    Learning to ride a bike is fine.

    Encouraging people to commute on bikes… Not the greatest idea. (Especially in crowded areas)

    • +1

      How do you figure? Commuting on bicycles works all over the world to great affect.

    • Crowded areas are ideal for bikes.
      If more people rode bikes, that means less cars on the road!

  • -5

    Oh Boy. I want to hand out a copy to all of them idiots who ride their cycles on a single lane road - when there is a designated cycling path !! One less car on the road => one more asshole on the bike

  • +1

    FYI similar courses also available in Sydney, but it's free as far back as I know though

  • Always wanted to learn how to ride a bike.

    • +1

      its easy as riding a bike
      … oh wait….

  • If you’re in Melbourne and want to learn to ride a bike check these guys out, I used to be a volunteer teacher at the community centre for their learn to ride program.

    It was good fun, and took place in a local park with heaps of grass and tiny hills, and it’s a lot cheaper.

    I am not sure if it’s still running but I may be able to help you out if you are really keen to learn.

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