Recommend Salt and Pepper Grinder / Mill?

I've been having a bad run with my salt and pepper grinders lately, namely they just don't dispense (mainly the salt) or the motors sound really weak.

I use mainly Himilayan Rock Salt in various sizes. Don't care it if is motorised (have plenty of eneloops :) or the manual type.

So far I've had a Salter (very weak motor, salt doesn't come out no matter what type I use) and a Russell Hobbs (strong motor but doesn't dispense evenly.

I've tried all the range of adjustment underneath them but nothing is working.

Anyone suggest something good?


  • +1

    I just use a regular manual grinder. This one:

    Love it. Use it all the time on my smashed avocado. Drool.

    Never had a problem with it!

    • -1

      Thanks. Yep, I might have to go 'old skool'.

  • +2

    If they still have a 'Lifetime guarantee', I suggest trying the manual "Maxwell Williams" ones. They are nice to use, and on the one occasion where a very hard peppercorn caused one to fail, about 3 years or so after I bought it, it was immediately replaced without a receipt or anything, by Maxwell Williams. They were even apologetic!
    I never forget customer-service/ integrity like that, so I feel obliged to recommend them. For what it's worth, the one they replaced it with is still going strong, and has been for around 7 years now.

    • +1

      That guarantee was handy when my mum had to return three or four in a row because they kept breaking a few years back.

      • +2

        Peppercorns pwn technology.

  • +2

    Check out Peugeot

  • Good suggestions. Thanks all. Maxwell Williams sounds like a winner with that sort of service.

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