This was posted 10 years 1 month 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Durex Real Feel Condom Sample Sent to Your Address from Beautyheaven (Must Be over 18)


Just fill in the form with your details and receive a free Durex Real Feel condom sample to your address via No postage, membership, sign up, survey or opt-in required.

Direct Link to Details Form:

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closed Comments

    • +20

      Yes and while abstinence is also free, it's less fun. Get the sample!

    • +31

      What exactly has this got to do with this offer? You do realise that married people also use condoms, right? Not everyone wants to be popping out babies everywhere, they're expensive.

    • +2

      +1, surely trolling. well player noob, well played.

    • +3

      Terrible advice.
      If you and your spouse are incompatible in your sex life you will be much more likely to end in divorce.
      Marriage is a serious commitment, not one you should enter into without doing your best to ensure it is successful.

      • +5

        If you and your spouse are incompatible in your sex life you will be much more likely to end in divorce.

        I doubt that. Marriages fail, not because of a lack of sexual compatibility or even a lack of love but because of a lack of friendship.

        Marriage is a serious commitment

        The truth is marriage is an adventure, its a lot like going to war…so choose someone you respect and trust ,someone who will have your back no matter what, someone who is your friend.Don't choose someone based on their bedroom skills or on the sweet words of 'love' they whisper in your ears to get you to marry them… those will be the same ones, who a few years down the track, will stab you in the back without flinching.

    • +5

      The 1920's called, they want their virgin back.

    • +9

      Sex without love is a meaningless experience …but as far as meaningless experiences go, its pretty damn good.

    • Screw that!

  • +2

    What is the material thickness of these? The blurb says "20% thinner than Ansell Skyn" but that doesn't tell the actual thickness.

  • +19

    Five year's supply of condoms for free? Can't complain.

    • +3

      only five? you must be getting lucky

    • +1

      Aw hey man, any day now. Seriously, they're very slim so pretty easy to keep in your wallet. You'll be kicking yourself the day you unexpectantly need it. Good luck bro.

      • +1

        Keeping comdons in a wallet is terrible advice. Sure fire way to have them fail.

    • -1

      It is only one. You know you are not supposed to repeatedly use the same condom for 5 years right?

    • +1

      Check expiry date if you keep them that long.

  • +1


  • +58

    Ordering one for:
    Tony Abbott
    PO Box 450
    Manly, NSW, 2095

    • +37

      NO…you just encourage him to keep F__King everyone in the country.

      • +1

        you reckon he prefer top or bottom?

    • What about a packet for this wannabe?

    • Could send one to Gillard. Oh wait, no point.

  • +10

    Because people under 18 don't have sex ……

    • I think it isn't an issue of the age at which one is having intercourse…

    • +35

      To be fair the form question doesn't specify that the sampler must be older than 18 years:

      Are you over 18?

      You could answer yes if you:

      • Are heavier than 18 stone.
      • Are taller than 18 decimetres.
      • Are no longer interested in the Moby album "18".
      • Are the personification of the 18th over of a cricket match.
      • etc.
      • +1

        "Moving in Extreme Ways with your partner? Try Durex Real Feel condoms."

        Although considering that song has 'then it fell apart, it fell apart' in it, maybe it's not the best to use for a condom ad…

      • 18 inches?

  • +2

    Just here for the comments…

  • +7

    Came here for the jokes!

    • +15

      That's a bit premature.

      • Come on now.

  • +1

    Why 18+ when I see the university toilets sell them too?

    • +13

      I think they are referring to length, not age.

  • +46

    There are no laws in Australia preventing those under the age of 18 from buying contraception and any company which discourages safe sex practices will not find me as a customer.

    Negging for age discrimination. Very un-Australian.

    • +15

      You'd think you'd be wanting those underage to be using protection. How bizarre.

    • +1

      And tell me exactly what it means to be Australian? Who and what defines that

      • +4

        They mean it's unaustralian to discriminate.

        • Musn't have met many Aussies to hold this view! (he says as an Anglo with ties back to the first fleet).

    • +14

      I can understand your point, though doubt that this crossed their mind when setting up the promotion. They were probably worried about younger children ordering them (e.g. 10 year olds), and the outcry that would come from their parents. Damned if you do restrict by age and damned if you don't.

      • +4

        True. Imagine Alan Jones on the radio complaining. Think of the children!!!

        • +2

          I feel like there's a public restroom joke in here.

        • +1

          umm, yeah, now I think of it :) . maybe John Laws then.

    • -1

      well said.

  • +3

    OK I will get the free condoms. And then what?

    • +4

      Put them on your fingers!

      • +3

        And play the game

  • +2

    In Queensland, the age of consent for anal sex (referred to as sodomy in legislation) is 18 years of age, while the age of consent for all other sexual behaviour (described as carnal knowledge) is 16 years of age. The age of consent for sexual interactions is 16 years.

    • +5

      So in Qld you need to be 18 to play rugby league?

      • depends if you're a front rower or the one behind him in the scrums

  • +3

    They need to be handing these out at highschools

  • -2

    Do they have xxxs size?

    • -1

      What's that - xxx small?

      • -1

        The answer is between your legs ;)

  • +1

    isnt the legal age 16?

  • +1

    Thanks & enjoy!

  • +2

    This deal is giving me a chubby :)

    • +2


      • +4

        no sorry it's not TMI hes just got a GSOH certainly not DTF but looking for a NS DDF SWF with VTPR and also WTR

  • -7

    I'd much prefer the old cling wrap and rubber band to be honest.

    • +12

      For a second there, I thought that was what your display picture was.

  • +2

    FYI these tend to get stuck when rolling them down… Definitely detracts from the heat of the moment. Prefer Ansell personally.

  • +1

    Why do you restrict this to 18+?
    Don't you want to help teenagers that are legally having sex to practise safe sex too? That's pretty discriminatory.

  • That's a hard bargain to beat

  • -6

    people under 18 are less likly to have as much income as 18+ so therefore less likly to spend alot on condoms. so as a marketing strategy to target the bigger market, the sampls are restricted to 18+ only. maybe cost benefit in terms of cost of samples vs potential sales arnt worth it for under 18s.

  • +7

    They staple the sample to the envelope

  • +1

    Do you use plain envelope?

  • +2

    sadly i dont even have a gf T.T

  • This is what we do for ONE FREE "Real Feel" Condom!

    • We hunt for these kind of deals.

      • I would imagine so, Prince Hairy!

  • -1

    how do these envelopes look like. Do they have the word CONDOM in gigantic bold letters on the outside so then the whole family would see? Or is it just a plain envelope with beautyheaven as the only visible logo…please answer

    • Why are you worried about family? Are you over 18?

    • +5

      It only has the address on the envelope so it will be fine.
      (Oh BTW, the envelope is transparent.)

    • +7

      they are labeled..

      "CONDOM - FREE SAMPLE (ozbargain special)

      Note: Blow up doll not included"

  • +1

    Is it new or refurbished?

  • Pffft condoms are a waste of time, just pull out before you release.

    Most safest practice known.

    • +1

      Yep, that is a great way to avoid STIs.

    • "Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 4 will become pregnant each year if they always do it correctly.

      Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 27 will become pregnant each year if they don't always do it correctly."…

  • Hmm, even being a young adult and having a girlfriend of over a year, it's possible this one will expire on me.

    • What will expire on you? The condom…or the girlfriend? If the latter, then…..AWWWW YEAH!!!!!!

      • The condom. :(

        • so she's not with you for your humour, then

  • +1

    Has anyone here received your free packs? lol

    • Hey, we've reached our sample limit (deal marked expired) and we'll be sending out the packs shortly.

  • Completely forgot about these…

    They came :)

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