Original content posted by ShoppingSquare rep danilochan — The Final item on the HOT HOUR preview is Apple iPod Touch 8G G3 @ $178
We manage to get 50pcs to be selling within 1 hour tomorrow. Good Luck!
Other items in the HOT HOUR preview
- IBM NetVista Desktop PC (with Windows XP Professional) From $9
- Genuine Nintendo Wii Nunchuck $9
- Sony PSP Go $249
- Nintendo Dsi $199
- Benq G2420HD 24 Monitor $?
- Lacie 1TB external Hard Drive $?
- I am sticky this thread for the ShoppingSquare Hot Hour discussion.
- URL changed to ShoppingSquare's front page (instead of going to newsletter)
- OP Changed to crumble as this was actually posted here first.
The question is can your servers handle the traffic?