This was posted 10 years 1 month 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

12 Month Xbox Live Gold US$38.60,H1Z1 US$12.99, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC US$30.15


Hi, this is the first time Gamesdeal posting deals on Ozbargain, we hope you would enjoy these deals.

Each order contains 4% payment fee

Deals We Recommend

12 Month Xbox Live Gold Membership (Xbox One/360) - USD $37.12. Price after paid: USD $ 38.60…

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - USD $28.99 Price after paid: USD $30.15

H1Z1 - US$12.99 Price after paid: USD $13.51 (Use coupon code: H1Z1cut5 in shopping cart)

H1Z1 Premium Edition - US$29.99 Price after paid: USD $31.19 (Use coupon code: H1Z1cut5 in shopping cart)

Deals for Hot Games

Far Cry 4 - USD $37.48 Price after paid: USD $38.98

Borderlands: The Pre Sequel D1 Edition - USD $28.17. Price after paid: USD $ 29.30
DLC - the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit included…

WOW - Warlords of Draenor (EU)- USD $42.88. Price after paid: USD $ 44.60…

Assassins Creed Unity (Xbox One Download Code) - USD $31.48. Price after paid: USD $ 32.74…

FIFA 15 - USD $33.99. Price after paid: USD $ 35.35

Deals Close to $10

Battle Field 4 - USD $11.98. Price after paid: USD $ 12.46

Payday 2 - USD $11.98. Price after paid: USD $ 12.46

ANNO 2070 - USD $6.90. Price after paid: USD $ 7.18

Deals for Preorder Games

Evolve - USD $36.99. Price after paid: USD $ 38.47

Dying Light Limited Edition - USD $36.99. Price after paid: USD $ 38.47
DLC – Be The Zombie included

Each order contains 4% payment fee

Mod: Competitions not permitted in posts. Use competition forums.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Please just list the final prices after all fees have been applied, and the applicable currency.

  • +1

    Which region is this stuff from?

    • most of our items are region free. for some region lock item. we will mark them in the title of item.
      it would looks like this: WOW - Warlords of Draenor (EU)

  • That site is a mess. Just look at this little snippet:

    Download top up-to-date online content - fast and comfortable - and pay with the Xbox Live 12 Months Card (Worldwide).
    The Xbox Live 12 Months Card is an easy-to-use payment method for premium content at the Xbox Live market place - from Arcade Games up to Movie Highlights.

    Come again? And US $73.51 regular price? That's above RRP! Or is that just your standard inflated price so you can advertise these at 50% off?

    • Hi Daerka,

      We are a Germany company and the xbox 12 month gold membership official price in Europe is €59.99.

      Besides, our xbox 12 month deal has been verified as popular deal by

      Please see the link below:

      • +2

        Then why do you list prices in USD? Seeing your default currency isn't even USD and this is an Australian site, wouldn't AUD have been more appropriate?

        Regardless of currency, you still won't be able to use it as payment method.

        • You can switch the currency to AUD on the top of page.

        • @Whereismedic: On THIS site!! Why list in USD?

  • Site seems very buggy
    Just tried to create an order entered everything was OK
    Went to transfer to the payment window (for PayPal) and got a gateway down error

    Looks to have placed the order even though I havent made payment because I've received an order email (containing an order number and invoice) and its created an account, although when I log into my account its saying that no order has been placed.

    Update: All sorted - sent them an email and received a reply within 15 minutes to ignore the initial order. Placed a new order which went through fine. Now just waiting on my key … will provide another update when I receive it and if it works

    Update 2: Within 10 minutes was sent a link with the steam gift (note its not a key). I purchased COD: AW, and can confirm its the worldwide (ROW) version and not the VPN version, which is great.

  • The site is definitely buggy, I placed an order and got a gateway error as well.

    • Hi Menace07,can you provide us the error message screenshot to [email protected]? We need your feedback then we will go to sort it out since a number of customers have encountered this issue.

      • HI Whereismedic, I have already been in contact via email and was instructed to ignore it and submit a new order. This order work fine, but now my contact number is needed to verify my paypal account, which is annoying.

        • Sorry for the inconvenience may caused,Menace.If you haven't received your item yet,please provide us your order number.

        • @Whereismedic: Thanks Whereismedic, the item has been received.

  • Hi Whereismedic, I placed an order over 7 hours ago, replied to the verification email that came through a couple hours ago and also forwarded it to the [email protected] email address and still waiting for a reply. Are you able to look into it if I give you the order number? Thanks

    edit: just received an email back

    • Hi Badwolf88,

      Can you please provide us your order number. We will help process your order soon.

  • Purchased an Xbox Live Gold 12 month card. Took a while for delivery and I had issues with the site like some others (payment gateway), but once delivered the key worked perfectly.

    • Hi Blair,
      Can you provide us the error message screenshot to [email protected]? We need your feedback then we will go to sort it out.

  • Purchased Xbox live 12 months card and still haven't received my code. Are you abr\le to help @ Whereismedic

    • oyevivek,I am Sorry,have u received your code yet?

  • Is this legit? Seems really buggy for most people and I don't wanna be scammed $50.

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