Hi all
I have a quick question about this charger (http://www.anyware.com.au/8WD-T301.aspx), recently bought via CoTD for our travel. Basically, it charges the devices slow.
I tested this with my Nexus 5. On my Nexus 5's original charger and another USB charger I have, the device will draw up to 1A. When I use the 8ware charger, the device will only draw around 0.3A. I've also tested different cables and different devices, it looks like each USB port will only let you charge at around 0.3A. Good thing is that the charging didn't go slower with more devices added (tested with the Nexus 5 charging and an iPad, still drawing 0.3A on each port).
Am I missing something here, doesn't look like there's anything to configure on the charger. Did I just buy a faulty charger?
You bought a low quality charger. I'll bet if you measure the noise and ripple of these chargers, you'll detect quite a lot of voltage spikes and high frequency noise which is can be particularly dangerous and may in the long term ruin your mobile phone battery.
Stick with quality branded stuff when you buy a charger. Anker for instance, consistently gets good reviews and they are rated highly on Amazon.
Another one you could consider is the Antec 4 port USB charger which unlike the Anker is commercially available in Australia and from Amazon reviews it does appear to be a quality product.