I need something to blow a decent stream of air into the front of a small jet turbine engine. It has to be cordless because I will be using it near lakes etc… it's on a small RC Boat.
My first thought is a rechargeable leaf blower, but since I will only need it for emergency (ie: if the auto cool down cycle fails) I am thinking maybe once or twice a year. But good to have just incase.
I don't have a driveway etc… to use a decent leaf blower thing so I don't see the point in buying one.
I really only need something with the power of a hair dryer (but not hot air).
I rather like the idea of the Ryobi one+ gear but can't justify spending $169 at Bunnings for a leaf blower and a couple of batteries. I already have a cordless drill and a WHipper Snipper, but a impact driver would be nice and I could use the batteries for both applicances if I go that way.
Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated. Do Bunnings ever have sales on Ryobi One+ stuff?
Pookie (NSW)
Don't hairdryers have a cold air setting also ?