I have recently replaced a back windscreen on our ute. As the ute was not being used, the masking tape was left on for too long and now, when I try to remove the masking tape, it is breaking off and the gum is stuck to the windscreen and the panel. My question is, once I remove the tape, how do I remove the gum from the panel around the windscreen and the glass without any damage. Thank you in advance.
How to Remove Masking Tape Glue from Panels?

Goo remover. You can get it from supemarket or Bunnings
+1 citrus - I had exactly the same problem (just be sure to clean it off paintwork as it may eat in if left on)
http://www.bunnings.com.au/oomph-225g-goo-and-stain-remover-…edit: also don't leave the sticky tape goo on too long as it turns rock hard and is 100x harder to get off when it goes hard.
High pressure hose.
eucalyptus oil
Thank you for the responses. Are all these things safe for the paintwork.. I do have eucalyptus oil at home.
sand paper will remove it.
but + for the eucalyptus.
any petroleum based product will remove it. just keep a bucket of warm soapy water nearby to wipe/wash the petroleum product off.
Thanks. Bucket of warm soapy water is a great idea.
Use eucalyptus on a rag, as there's no risk of it running and damaging your paintwork.
Something that might be worth trying beforehand though with the tape that is still on it is the old trick of strips of wet newspaper over the tape that is on there now and let it sit for a while. I doubt it's going to stop it breaking up, but might make it a whole lot easier to remove, and soften the residue that is left.
You have nothing to lose by trying it.
Don't use a citrus based product. It took the baked on paint off the front control panel of our stainless steel oven, and that was just a miniscule, dilute amount, and even that was just an accidental overspray. We ended up having to buy a new panel .
Thank you. Another good idea. I will try the wet newspaper over the tape.
Before spending on "product" try softening the glue by dabbing it repeatedly with vinegar and wiping firmly. Vinegar is a great cheapskate product for 1001 applications, including doing a beautiful job of cleaning stainless steel.
Thank you. I have a few good ideas now. Vinegar sounds good as well. Will it be safe for the paintwork.
Use a metho mate
Metho seems harsh. Won't it damage the paintwork.
i use metho on my car, and it's not as harsh you may think.
worked really well for me.
Or just google it lol
WD40 or a citrus spray will do the job.