Any Tried Hypnosis to Quit Smoking?

Hi All,
I am considering hypnosis to quit smoking.
Has anyone tried it?
If so, was is successful?



  • +2

    Just stop smoking. That is free too!

    • Correct i gave up smoking 5 months ago after 40yrs i used champix but really it came down to self discipline and support from those around me.

      • I tried Champix too. I turned feral. Was snapping at everyone - even my boss! Completely out of character, but apparently another side-effect…. :)

        • I have heard of this happening but 3 people at work gave up just before me none of us had any problems.AS for snapping at the boss i do that anyway.

        • @coin saver: I am all for anything that works!!! Apart from my experience, it seems quite helpful to most…

  • +1

    Lots of methods work, it comes down to the person as I'm sure you understand, as with all things you'll read plenty from those who's found success and failure.

    I quit after almost 10 years, tried patches, swapping for other habits, cutting down, they worked for a small amount of time before I reverted back to normal habits. Finally quit one day cold turkey, because I really wanted to. All habits are tough to break and smoking is no exception.

    The last time I've bought a packet it was $10 for pack of 20 from tobacconist, the prices nowadays holy crap you need to take out a loan to smoke what I used to.

    Good luck mate, your health should be your #1 priority, you'll be amazed how many things break when you get older, last thing you need is to compound with your own doing.

  • -3

    I was hypnotised once, never had a smoke since, didnt smoke before that either, probably doesnt help you does it?

  • +1

    I can personally vouch for using 'e-cigs' to quit, but only if you can get the 'juice' containing nicotine from somewhere. I found it relatively easy to swap from real cigs to e-cigs, then wean myself off e-cigs. I've now been a non-smoker for 2 years. When I did it, as now, it was not legal to sell the nicotine-containing e-cig juice in Australia, but it was legal for me to purchase it from overseas and have it sent here to me (i.e. neither myself nor the seller were committing an offence under that scenario). I'm not sure if that is still the case, I'm sure someone on here will know/ can enlighten us.

    I was just reading in the paper the other day that the results from some properly conducted scientific tests are beginning to emerge re e-cigs; and they show that they are a more effective way of quitting than some other methods, on average. But it's a highly subjective thing I suppose. I've only known two peeps who tried to quit via hypnosis (a married couple). Both recommenced smoking within a few months. But that doesn't mean it won't work for you!

    One last thing I will say, is if you're regularly surrounded by smokers (friends and/or workmates etc.) it will be infinitely harder. If that is the case, maybe try and convince one or two (or more?) of them to attempt to give up too? I've observed "mutual support" (mostly couples, but also workmates) to be very effective in some cases.

    Best of luck amigo, it's a really hard thing to do, but you have to back yourself from the start, or you have no hope.

    • My Mrs did this and it's the only thing that worked for her after multiple attempts using different methods.

  • If it helps…. I was told to imagine a "nicotine monster" in your stomach. It's constantly nagging for food (nicotine). You want to starve the bastard!!! Don't keep chucking it a sandwich (ciggie/nicotine). It will take longer to die! And it's cruel…

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