• expired

Woolworths 1/2 Price Specials: Colgate Toothbrush $1, Plax Mouthwash $1, Selected Bonds 50% Off


Starts Wednesday 14/01/15.

Adidas Body Spray $3.14
Annalisa Tomatoes $1.00
Aware Laundry Powder $4.29

Cadbury Favourites & Mini Blocks 320g $5.00
Clear Shampoo/Conditioner 350ml $4.74
Colgate Plax Mouthwash 250ml $1 (Save $3.10)

Colgate Toothbrush $1 (Save $3.10)
Continental Pasta & Sauce $1.00
Corn or Sliced Beetroot $1.00

Creative Gourmet Frozen Fruit 300g $2.82
Eveready Heavy Duty AA 24x $7.49
Maggi Noodles 5x $1.97

Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid 900ml $3.49
Mother Energy Drink 6x 500ml $7.99
Nestle Bars 65g $1.00

Nestle Milo Cereal 350g $2.49
Ocean Chef Salmon 280g $4.99
Ocean House Prawns 300g $4.99

Peckish Thins Rice Crackers 100g $1.00
Pepsi/Solo/Sunkist/Schweppes 2L $1.55
Peters Light & Creamy 1.8L $3.44

Radiant Laundry Detergent 1.35L $6.24
Radox Shower Gel 1L $4.59
Redwin Sorbelene Vitamin E 1L $2.96

Selected Bonds Underwear 1/2 Price
Simple Cleaning Wipes 25x $3.99
Sunrise Jasmine Rice 5kg $7.70

Sunsilk Shampoo/Conditioner 400ml $3.14
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox $17.50
Tip Top Raisin Bread $2.60

Uncle Toby's Cheerios 320g $2.05
Uncle Toby's Vita Brits 1kg $2.29
Vanish Napisan Oxi Action 2kg $8.15

Kudos to newuseragain at topbargains for the list.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Perfect timing. Was just running out of Weet-Bix so Vita Brits at half price will do just fine.

    • +1

      keep in mind that Vita-Brits doesn't have "added vitamins" that 99% of breakfast cereals have (and Weet-Bix do have)

      • +8

        Keep in mind too that Week-bix has added sugar. Vita-Brits is just whole wheat and a touch of salt.

        The added vitamins are just marketing really. 99% of sugar laden breakfast cereals need them otherwise they would have no redeeming features what so ever

        • +1

          Unfortunatley that little bit of sugar is what I need.

        • +1

          Pretty much most cereals have added sugar or salt. It's very hard to find one that doesn't these days. Whether you eat Weet-Bix, Vita Brits, the Aldi or Home Brand versions doesn't make a lot of difference as they are all one of the better cereals for you going around.

      • I can't tell if you're being serious about actual vitamins, or if you're talking about the added sugar in weet-bix (and all other cereals)

    • +2

      they're also not as good for you as the average australian have been convinced of

      • All breakfast cerials are poison if you are on a low carb high fat diet.

        If you can handle carbs then Vita-Brits is better than most.

        • +4

          Your spelling of 'cereal' is poison.

        • +1

          @tith: Perhaps he/she is a Cereal Killer ;-)

    • +2

      Except Vita Brits taste awful to me.

      • +3

        That maybe because you are not used to eat 'healthy' food.

        • +1

          *not used to eating healthyfood

        • +2

          VitaBrits are not healthy food…

      • I agree.

    • nooo no no no no no.

      You're either a weetbix person or a vita brits person, you can't be both.
      Can you?

      • Let's face it we are all on this site because we are cheap and after a bargain. When you're talking about cheapness, you can be both

  • +4

    Can I get more details on 'selected bonds underwear' please? Thanks

    • +1


    • +1

      @ loumick1

      See here for Copy

      That is for Qld -maybe Aust wide tho ?

      Catalogue should be -online- late today. unless that has been changed recently.

      • thank you. so i guess the posting should say 'selected bonds underwear half price'. maybe just my eyes playing tricks but i couldn't see the 'half price' in the post.

        • Nah your eyes are fine !

          Maybe they[TA] will edit soon…

        • @snappy1234:

          I thought the title of the post clearly states that :)

        • @tightarse:

          What you think we read titles ;)
          all i see is woolies this week bla bla


        • +3


          Just for you & loumick. Now corrected :)

        • +2

          oh my goodness, i did read that and still couldn't figure out what the special was. sorry. i will blame it on being on holidays and staying with my sister with 5 VERY NOISY kids in the house (the noise hinders my ability to read and comprehend things properly)

        • +1


          TY TA :) finally within the post

  • Pepsi 1.25L varieties too?

    • Pepsi 1.25L varieties too?

      Nope 2 Litre only in my catalogue.

  • My periodontist told me not to bother with mouthwash.
    It does nothing as far as cleaning your teeth & gums is concerned.

      • What about Floss ?

        hehe sorry if OT.

        • +10

          Doctor Karl always says you only have to floss around the teeth you want to keep.

        • Yes the brand is TePe, they come in different gauges for big or small gaps between your teeth. I have to use them also.

        • +2

          @luke73: I found TePe brushes in bulk here if you're interested: http://www.fairwaydental.com.au/

        • -7

          flossing is not essential.

        • -1


          Flossing is the assumption of gaps between your teeth.

          If you have gaps, you floss.

          If you find it hard to get the floss in between your teeth you don't need to floss

          A couple of years a go a lady at the office went to see her dentist for the first time in 18years… she was getting married. Zero problems, teeth tightly packed

        • @Baghern:

          regardless of gaps between teeth… is it essential?

          i've never flossed, not once, and i have a very healthy set of teeth.

        • +1

          I floss everyday at least once and have been for 5-7 years. Best thing I did for my teeth. Tbh I tried the dental brushes you mention but didn't really like them.

          Id also suggest to people to get their hands/teeth on a waterpik water flosser
          (Check eBay for best price).

        • -1


          If you find it hard to get the floss in between your teeth you don't need to floss

          i have very crowded teeth. every dentist i've ever been to has told me to try my best to floss between every tooth.

          also one's teeth may look perfect from the outside but can be rotting away on the inside.

        • -2


          The response was from her dentist…

          Flossing in her case and maybe even yours would make it worse

          Think about it, the whole idea of flossing is to get to the tartar your toothbrush can't get to. If you're creating gaps where weren't any before, you're creating space for the tartar.

          I guess my statement was too broad…

        • +1


          of course small gaps are important, I think that's the misunderstanding there.

          You don't have any gaps at the top… but you may at the bottom.

        • +1

          @Baghern: i highly doubt flossing alone can create bigger gaps unless you have highly unstable teeth. or i'd be over the moon being able to create more space between my teeth without ridiculously expensive orthodontic braces

        • I'm going to have to somewhat disagree. Interdentals can be used in addition to flossing, but it shouldn't be used as an alternate. The problem with interdentals is that you won't be able to get them through all your teeth.

        • wow. what don't you stick in your mouth?

        • "(like tiny little toilet brushes for between your teeth)."

          I've been recommended these also. Anyone know where to get them?

    • +1

      This mouthwash is good for people who wish to use it - it's alcohol free, so it doesn't dry the mouth

      • I think I will stick with my periodontist advice & not waste my money on something that doesn't do anything for my dental hygiene.
        I do like alcohol though.

        • Funny, I was encouraged to use it by a student dentist. I think current research is divided on its benefits

    • +1

      But its been clinically tested. In a clinic..

  • +2

    Plax $1 deal is hard to come by (once a year, or less)

    Time to stock up!

    • +1

      Nah, last year they had it at least two times, possibly three, they just space it out a lot!

  • +1

    Still waiting on that Up and go deal 3x 250ml for $2 something

  • Cheers TA

  • -2

    Apart from tooth paste and Mouthwash, one should try below products to take care of their teeth.



    These powders really help teeth and make them strong compare to any other products.

    Either get it from Indian store or from Amazon.. Best 5 bucks for your teeth.

  • +2

    A true Ozbargainer would make their own toothpaste, dishwashing liquid, bar soap, laundry powder and personal deodorant. So that some $ can be save toward eneloop currencies.

    • +1

      not funny.

  • Did not see any toothbrush at QV.

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