I used to buy my eggs at Aldi, but now I buy them at Costco.
I easily go through 10 dozen eggs in a month, so I'm looking for the cheapest place to get them.
I used to buy my eggs at Aldi, but now I buy them at Costco.
I easily go through 10 dozen eggs in a month, so I'm looking for the cheapest place to get them.
pastured eggs would be preferrable, grain-fed commercial eggs are less desirable.
chicken eggs.
Do you have a backyard and are you allowed chooks? Even mixing it up will save you money in the long term.
This. Time to get some chickens, OP!
What could be better than picking your eggs fresh every day and seeing/knowing exactly where they came from, to boot. I've known people who have kept chickens. Very very cool. I don't really eat eggs so never seem to buy them now that I think of it (how weird), but if I did, I'd definitely keep my own chooks. Pretty awesome creatures. Had a BBQ at a boyfriends place years back - his parents had chooks - I was in charge of the chicken wings on the fire at the time. Had my back turned for a split second only to have one cheeky chicken sneak in and pick a nice nearly-done marinated wing right off the BBQ :( I thought that was pretty creepy, but… whatever lol.
Nothing quite so deliciously taboo as eating one of your own…
Isn't that what pets are for? Just innnn caaaassse. :p
I totally agree. Unfortunately it's not an option due to where I live.
you can get them cheap from asian grocers, that's what I do. though it's a bit out of the way compared to getting them from the super market.
thanks. I'll try there.
News just in from my frugal Asian mother: she pays $2.80 for 800g (dozen) at her Asian grocer (Sydney).
(as I said before though, I'm not an egg-eater, so I dunno how that stacks up against egg prices elsewhere.. but considering my mother makes the effort of driving out there to get eggs etc, I'm assuming that's a good price?)
Anyone else offer comparison prices?
That's really good (But then again, I think in Canberran price, which is usually way way too high.)
Canberra is crazy, man. I used to live there a few years ago. Everything was more expensive, there was no escape. Comparing the prices of takeaway / asian style street food (stuff like banh mi etc) to what I was used to in Sydney was pretty depressing lol.
Canb is good though - more chilled landscape, fresher air, less traffic. I miss it. But you do pay for it :P
Maybe you gotta put ads up "seeking someone with chickens - I want to buy your eggs" and strike some sort of bargainly deal. Cut out the middlemen. Presuming you can't keep chooks in your own yard.
@waterlogged turnip: Maybe I should, but then again I don't eat eggs like my brother who probably had eggs like OP.
at the chicken adoption agency.
Tasman Market Fresh meats has them for $2/doz for 600g eggs. Not sure if it's a special or a regular price.
Paid $12 for two trays of 70grams eggs yesterday which works out at 5 Dozen @ $2.40 per dozen (840grams).
Baiada Chicken Factory Outlet (Laverton, Vic)
Also skinless chicken breast fillet chunks @ $5.99 a kilo
Try www.ripenearme.com. I have chooks, and my excess eggs I sell through this site for cheap. Just helps pay for their food. Not like the bloody cat….
Not like the bloody cat….
when you're the servant to a cat then there is no reward but their scorn and contempt.
what kind of eggs?