This was posted 10 years 1 month 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Lindt Lindor Giant Ball 550g - $6.25 Woolworths (WA)


Spotted these today at my local woolies (WA) - Lindt lindor maxi ball 550g for $6.25, was $25 :)
Sorry didn't snap a picture.

Edit to add it was Subiaco store :)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    So uh… what is this? Does it split open to have normal balls or a giant orb of chocolatey goodness?

    • The former.

    • +22

      If only it was the giant orb of choclately goodness…

      • +1

        I wish this was a giant orb of chocolatey goodness.
        I'd imagine it would weigh a lot more, and would actually be very difficult to manufacture.

        • +6

          Don't worry, in this weather it'll become one big blob by the time you get home.

        • +1


          With wrappers floating around in it.

      • This would be amazing. Cut it down the middle and you have two chocolate bowls filled with the gooey chocolate.

    • +4

      For anyone wondering, there's 44 pieces inside

  • +2

    Which store?

  • +14

    Sugar as well.

    • +21

      No one was going to mention it until you did

    • +1

      You would have to have pretty big lindt balls to think it's suitable to joke about

  • +2

    it's times like these I wish OfficeWorks stocked Lindt Balls for a price match :)

  • +1

    There is a youtube on this if you Google. Thanks OP.

  • Has anyone else seen this in another store? About to run off my chair and over to Woolies…

    • Bought one a couple of days ago in Newcastle, but it was ~$12

  • These and a cup of tea = heaven.

    • +2

      550g of chocolate with every cup of tea starts to add up

  • +8

    its a shame its not one big ball where you cut the top off and dive in with your face

    • +14
    • +1

      Someone should buy this and melt all the small pieces into a giant chocolate deathstar of evil.

    • I would probably dip TimTams in it, or wafer fingers, or maybe wagon wheels, or Mars Bars, or some nougat, like sweet sweet Lindt fondue. Wait… no, buy small lindt balls, and dip them in the gooey goodness of the large Lindt ball.

  • Someone please take a photo of one and post it up here.


    Fark, just watched the video. SO.MUCH.WANT

  • Where is your local? MatchBox?

    • subiaco

  • +1

    Also, can we remove this post so no one steals my lindt balls while I'm at work

  • Other store did sell them, if they still have stock, this is a bargain.

  • Any in Victoria?

  • +1

    Any idea of the use by date on these?

  • +1

    Anyone tried Balz Zac by Lindt?

  • Nice, think its probably store by store… I've learned to wait after 'events' to check for heavy discounts. Wanted this for the novelty of the ball itself, hasn't gone down yet at my local

  • +2

    Any in SA?

  • +1

    Couldn't find any in Concord nor Strathfield Plaza (NSW).

  • +1

    Not available online for NSW

  • When I was there on Wednesday they had the Lindt Balls and Giant Roses tins for 50% off Lindt-$12.50 and Roses-$15 looks like they've gone a further 50% off so has anyone seen the Roses tins? are they now $7.50?

  • They were $12.50 lat night in the inner CBD WW store I visited last night, so this rice is store specific.

    OP, which store did you see it for $6.25

    • +4

      If you think this is rice you're going to be pleasantly suprised when you buy it…

      Or majorly disappointed I guess. Depends which way you roll.

      • +1

        I guess they are both classed as carbohydrates, one just taste a whole lot better than the other

    • OP is not telling coz it will get ozbargained…

      • sorry I was working :)

    • +1


    • +8

      So no longer available at the Subiaco store then given that you decided to stockpile over 3kgs of Lindt for yourself, thus making your confirmation redundant…

    • thanks leech. hope they all melt on ya.

  • +1

    About 12 on the end of freezer isle at Wallsend Woolies. Tag said $12.50. It scanned up as $6.25 at the checkout.

    • +1

      Price at checkout didn't match the tagged price, you could've had it free.

  • None in stock at Woolies Murray st.

  • comon 5pm…

  • can u drive after eating all at once?

    • No doubt.

      However, going to the loo afterwards might pose a problem for a day or two or three.

  • +3

    just wondering how many of us are checking ozbargain while at work ?

    • +1

      Guilty as charged.

    • It's called 'live feed' and it is certainly very distracting!.

  • +1

    None at Watergarden & St Albans :(Vic)

  • +1

    Are they Chocolate salty Balls?

    • +1

      Youll have to put em in yer mouth and suck em to find out…

  • +1

    None at Townhall Woolies :(

  • +1

    chocolate balls! \o/

  • Expiry date?

    • +1

      irrelevant if you scoff it all in one day :p

    • 30th June 15

  • +1

    Was 3 at Jesmond Wollowrths, end of Isle 12. Now there are 2. Unlike others I actually left some, even though I wanted all the things!

  • +1

    Nothing in Townhall and UTS woolies :(

  • Pity, novelty ball would of been nice bonus

  • +1

    Are you concerned about the use of PALM OIL in these products??? Below is how Lindt explain that it is OK to use PALM OIL. It IS NOT OK!

    Lindt Australia
    6 June 2013 · Zürich, Switzerland ·
    Dear concerned consumer
    Please rest assured that we share your concerns about the protection of the orang-utans.
    For our chocolate we do not use any other vegetable fats than cocoa butter. Only for some of our fillings we use other vegetable fats such as palm oil. We only use minimal amounts of palm oil, representing less than 0.005% of the global harvest. As an active member of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), we have committed ourselves to support sustainably extracted palm oil. Today, we are sourcing palm oil under the “book & claim” standard. The shift towards “segregated” palm oil has already been initiated and will be implemented stepwise until 2015. As you can see, Lindt & Sprüngli is committed to ensuring that this important raw material is produced under sustainable and responsible aspects. This is why Lindt & Sprüngli cannot be directly linked to the tragic incidence of the shot orang-utan.

    • -1

      Hahaha what a speil of greeny baloney

      • I thought Rastas loved the green stuff?

        • +1

          We only love the mind altering green stuff ;)

    • I hate orang-utans.

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