I saw this 3-port USB Cassette hub on the shelf as a clearance item on the shelf in the Perth City Myer Store. Price tag says $10 but scanned to be $2.5. There were still about 10 more left. I couldn't find it online so it might be in-store only
$2.5 (Original Price $19.95) Urbantech 3 Port Cassette USB Hub Clearance Item @Myer Store WA
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usb 2
i got one and meant to post it but forgot.. haha
is it a real Cassette tape?
Those old enough to remember are old enough to have forgotten what a real one looked like.
Says you. Still have a shoe box full of them :)
I have no idea why.
That'd be the dementia kicking in. Again, common at our age!
Found some at Eastgardens NSW yesterday. There are a few left hanging on the shelves in the entertainment section. Thanks OP!
USB 2 or USB 3?