Save an instant 10c per Litre when you spend $10 or more in-store at participating CALTEX / Woolworths Co-branded fuel outlets
Save an instant 10c per Litre when you spend $10 or more in-store at participating CALTEX / Woolworths Co-branded fuel outlets
You could say they are paying you for your $10 worth of in-store goods.
Buy 100 litres, extra 10c/L saving is $10. So basically your $10 in store purchase is free, provided you purchase 100 litres.
Except that you may well have had the normal 4c per litre from your shopping docket or EDR card so really it is a bonus of 6c per litre. And the vast majority of everyday vehicles don't take 100 litres. The average fill would likely be maybe 50-70% of that.
(1) 10c is on top of the normal 4c (details in link)
(2) Last time I filled up two vehicles on one docket. Asked first and the attendant said it was okay.
1) Thanks, I meant to check if the two discounts were stackable but got distracted and forgot to. So I'll just accept what you say.
2) Filling up two vehicles at once would be an extreme minority of cases, not the norm. And one attendant's decision on one occasion doesn't make it policy. I'm guessing that you probably used the same pump for both vehicles without putting it back on the hanger in between, definitely not the normal transaction.
It is policy, you can put as many pumps through as you want on one discount. Only condition is 150L max, or whatever is specified in the terms currently, no need to use the same pump or avoid hanging up.
Heh, I remember when we got 20c off dockets my parents would always make a special trip with 2 cars to get petrol. $20 is $20 right!
Can anyone advise below?
This is copied from the FAQ website…
Can I use the one fuel saving voucher to fill up two separate tanks?
Sorry, no. You can only use one fuel saving voucher PER VEHICLE, and only up to 150 litres.
For all our terms, check out
See, that's what I understood too. But from feedback here, it seems it may not be widely enforced.
Yes. The price drop is good for us all. I wonder why it is happening though. I don't remember petrol prices ever dropping like this before.
Thank you. Interesting reading.
tl;dr summary: Saudi's have continued to pump oil at the same rate despite a drop in the demand for oil; forcing prices downward.
we have to thank Saudi then;)
Tl;dr Note 2- opec are trying to bankrupt us/Canada shale oil producers
Eventually Monopolizing the market and jacking up the prices.
Similar to Woolworths & Coles: Milk & Bread.
They're still ripping us off. Petrol should be 95c/L by now, if petrol dropped at the same rate as it has in the US. Over there, it's come down 38% in the past 6 months, whereas here, it's more like 25% or so.
the aus govt increased the cess on fuel
Dont blame that. Excise went up .5c
thanks to Tony & his brilliant money sucking team!
Might want to check your facts - government spending as a % of GDP was higher in 2013-14 and 14-15 then Labor's last three full years. These muppets are the ones "spending up". Pretty hypocritical after accusing Labor of spending like drunken sailors don't you think?
@dazweeja: OK nice link to a bunch of tables with no analysis. Anyway Table D1 indicates government payments as a % of GDP hovering at 25% +- 2% for the last 30 years. So it's basically a constant.
Back to my actual comment about SPENDING (as opposed to % of GDP) here's an ABC FactCheck (with analysis gasp!)……
More here……
"Rudd was worse than Whitlam. In the six years Labor was in government, the growth in Australia’s real federal expenditure was close to highest in the Organisation of Economic Co-Operation and Development – even though Australia was a resource economy with a sturdy banking sector and no housing bubble, and thus not susceptible to the financial shock in the US and much of Europe."
I don't have to provide analysis. If you can't understand some simple tables, that's not my problem.
Spending is higher under this government, in both real terms and as a % of GDP, than when they took over. In fact, spending as a % of GDP for 2014-15 is just shy of Labor's highest year of spending, when it was trying to stimulate the economy during the GFC.
You're free to think that Paul Sheehan is credible but surely you can see for yourself that spending shot right up during the GFC stimulus (surprise, surprise) and then Labor brought if back down (as much as the economy could tolerate) in the years following. Now it's back to GFC levels under this lot.
If the last lot were "spending like fiscal muppets", please explain how this lot aren't doing worse?
@dazweeja: I don't have to explain. if you can't understand some simple factual analysis of historical spending, that's not my problem.
"Over there, it's come down 38% in the past 6 months, whereas here, it's more like 25% or so."
One factor would be that the AUD-USD exchange rate hasn't remained stable in that period.
"The price drop is good for us all. I wonder why it is happening though."
Apparently, it is happening because the non-US producers are trying to render the massive recently undertaken US "shale-oil" operations unprofitable, or at least a lot less profitable, by dropping the price dramatically.
Bring it all on, I say. I warmly embrace ANY KIND of price war, whether it's the milk-bar on Canning St. offering a reduced rate on mixed lollies in a "crazy candy" attempt to get the edge on their competition on Pigdon st., or global friction erupting among super-powers over fuel prices. Some may see both as a ROCKY-ROAD to uncertainty. I say, bring it ALL ON. The days of milk and honey are upon us once again, peeps. Sing, and rejoice.
your enthusiasm is misplaced..if the oil goes down any further, most of the producing nations are going to be in distress..which in turn going to impair consumption. Global economy will slow down even further. For us it means lower commodity prices and less exports, lower dollar and increased imports..
So be careful before you start singing..
Ah, stoCHastic one, your warning is quixotic. I disagree with your pedestrian summation, and sing freely, without care. The be all and end all of "good times for all" does not rest on high commodity prices and high exports. You might be surprised how little the happiness of those at the lower end of the "wealth scale" in Australia depends on the global value of Australia's exportable commodities.
According to basic economics, a lower Australian dollar will increase exports because Australian goods and services would be relatively cheaper. Opposite happens with domestic demand for imports, reducing it.
initial report I seen was because the arabs wanted to price competitors out of the market. At the time price per barrel was $64 us
2nd report I seen was supply and demand. Oil reserves were full but supply continued at the same rate so to sell it they needed to drop the price. At the time price per barrel was $54 US
I can't believe its only $1.98 a gallon in the US.
Indeed - that's 65c/L or so. We're paying over 70% more than the US.
they are now producing most of their fuel, whereas we import..
We pay way more tax on fuel; the US government has had a long term strategy of relatively low tax on fuel, to encourage economic activity
"… the US government has had a long term strategy of relatively low tax on fuel, to encourage economic activity"
Yeah, and that's worked really well for them in the last decade or so, right? Oh wait… erm…
We are still paying over $1.40 in Darwin :(
The territory brah. Where goons cheaper than fuel.
That depends on who you ask ;)
"Where goons cheaper than fuel."
Clearly then, what they need is goon-powered vehicles…
how else can they afford to fuel those gigantic SUVs they all drive..
Wait that's us
the hidden bonus of reduced petrol prices is that even the 'standard' 4c/litre is now close to 4% discount, at $1.50 a litre 4c/l was only 2.7% discount.
watch prices rise by 15 cents tomorrow!
what dates is this valid please ? The fine print is all blurred.…
Print still a little blurry on this. I can't actually find dates in the fine print, just states they reserve right to terminate offer at anytime.
It's not mentioned in catalogue. Plz check
Or check catalogue starting from tomorrow, page 25
There's no listed expiry, just the usual 'Woolworths has the right to cancel this at any time'.
There actually is a listed expiry, the offer goes from today (7/1/15) until 4/2/15, as seen on the bottom of page 19 of this week's catalogue.…
I've clicked to zoom in & can read it fine…..
thanks - means I did the right thing NOT buying mile last night
Yes you're right, weird it's not mentioned on the full page ad though..
@kabigon: Yeah I thought it was until I went back this morning & looked to post the page & discovered it wasn't at the bottom of that page….
Does anyone have any good tips on what to by in store for $10? I always find myself torn on whether to purchase stuff at a servo as it is all more expensive - some of the Woolworths stores have bread / milk but even that won't get to $10. Am guessing gift cards are out as well?
Telstra prepaid recharge voucher :)
Id buy 10L of milk done and dusted for the week
or only 8litres for $10 at non-woolworths Caltexes (2x2l for $5)
we go through 3L a day generally speaking but man its a pain at the servo to haul that to the car
@pmupsinep: haha legit I personally drink 3L a day, mrs maybe makes a cup of tea here and there. Just can't get enough
Bog roll. You can never have enough.
All the sheep heading to support Coles and Woolies, you beauty!
We'll probably never break this cycle :-(
I'll be filling up 150L in my 4WD, I'll make $5 profit for spending $10 in store. I also make sure I always get the cheapest Woolies petrol price too, fuelwatch website for WA is awesome for that.
Cool, there is 150L allowed for the 10c off.
Although, if you combine with a 4c off docket: I think the 4c off only applies for 100L.
Nope, I use the 4c dockets all the time for 150L, that's the cut off so all sweet :-)
Im really sick of the comparisons to the USA, why don't you compare mc Donald's, KFc or maybe burger king? Or even home property or beer, they are way cheaper their as well, arnt we also being ripped off with those?
The AUD fall,our iPhone price is cheaper than US.Ipad MacBook
Most of the camera are cheaper in Australia.
Even some model of the cars.
iPhone prices via the Apple store, iPhone 6, 16GB Silver Unlocked
AU: $869
US: $649
Um, sorry, how is that cheaper???
US$649 = AU$800.
US tax is state dependant, so isn't included in the $649, while the AU$869 includes the 10% GST.
So pretax prices:
AU$800 (US$649) in the states VS AU$790 in Australia. Cheaper here.
@puffin fresh: I'd be willing to wager the following. If the AUD stays weak relative to the USD, iphone prices will go up considerably.
History (and logic) dictates that low AUD = high import costs.
On a different note, im curious to see how this will impact long term oil prices. If US shale oil is put-off by weaker oil prices, will this drive petrol prices up significantly? I can see the next few years having an average ULP price around AUD2/ltr (ie. $2.00 a litre). Consider it a tax on low income earners.
@DeWalt: Apple will reevaluate the iPhone price when they release the next model, based on the value of the $ at the time. I don't think they've changed the price at any other time in the past. Our iTunes prices were put up due to the low value of AUD fairly recently (~10 months ago?).
sure, but they also pay the social cost of having a massive 'underclass' of poor people working in those places for a couple of bucks an hour, which ultimately leads to more crime. Do you want wants of $3.50/hr in Australia ?
Have a look at,_Atlas_method)_per_capita, where GNI per capita (US$) for 2013 is for Australia (7th) 65,390 and USA (11th) is 53,470, so Australia is better off anyway.
Have a look at purchasing power parity.
Anything worth buying?
Most woolworths branded servos sell 2litre milk for $2, same as the supermarket
Coles Express has a lot more items at Supermarket prices, so even though you need to spend $20, I find it easier there. Hopefully this will put pressure on Coles to reduce their required spend to $10 as well !
down down, prices are down……
opps, wrong thread! (run away)
Well this makes me feel better about buying them overpriced Ben & Jerrys
Is the servo Ben & Jerry's the same price as in the supermarket?
It's actually cheaper for me at my local servos. Online shows as $12.89 for a 450ml tub whereas it's $11.95 at the servo.
The main trade off is that we are also a high wage country. There is a reason why India is the cheapest country for many products - wages are very low in India.
… Or you could just fill up at a United petrol station - there prices are typically lower than any of the bigger branded fuel stations.
They stopped selling 100RON at most not long ago :-(
So if your tuned for it you need to add about 10-12% E85 to their 98ron
E85 price hasn't changed much, so basically you only get the
power and less pollutant benefit. Mileage per dollar is worse in comparison now
And they also charge extra for credit cards or even motor pass!
you should all stop complaining about fuel prices here. in the UK they're paying the same amount but in GBP, converts to about $2.20 per litre… now THAT'S worth complaining about.
When do they start complaining?
if petrol prices were to hit $2/ltr, many poorer families would be severely impacted. It may make it uneconomical for minimum wage workers to continue to work. Joe Hockey and you may argue differently, but I'm not so sure That high petrol prices are good for low income earners. It could also lead to an increased crime rate, which may even impact you and Joe.
"In the UK they're paying… (etc.)
Yeah, but I heard that the UK is such a tiny little place that you can traverse it on a push-bike in about 30 minutes. So they shouldn't even be driving cars at all.
AND, the poms that do choose to drive all seem to have those "micro-cars", which are more like a motor-bike with walls, and require almost no petrol. Presumably they 'drive' these because it's the only way they can fit down the tiny little streets they have over there; which are a remnant of the time when peeps maxed out at about 3-foot high, due to malnutrition.
And they will offset the discount somewhere else in their stores.
My Honda service team tell me that Caltex petrol is the dirtiest petrol going around. That the premium is ok.
I cannot know if this is right but I will still avoid the fuel if I can
By the rate of the petrol price drop, in a month they'll start paying us to fill her up…