Travel Insurance - How Far in Advance Can You Buy

Planning a trip to Europe for about 10 weeks mid 2016 including a River Cruise. Will start booking soon and paying deposits on cruise and tours etc.

Seeing it is about 15 months away can I still take out travel insurance in the event something happens and we cannot go. So what I probably am asking is there a restriction on how long in advance you can take out travel insurance.



  • +2


    As soon as you have booked (or even before if you are 100% certain about your travel dates), just go onto the website you want to buy the insurance from and buy it, it would have been quicker than posting a thread here.

  • +1

    You can take it out just before you go if you like but it's best to get it asap then you are covered if you can't go due to an emergency. I think this comes under cancellation. From tid:

    Financial loss due to unforeseen cancellation of pre-paid travel and accommodation arrangements. Includes tuition/course fees not refunded as well as travel agency cancellation fees charged

  • +1

    Yep, as soon as you have any out-of-pocket expenses, e.g. deposit for hotels/cruise/airline tickets.

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