Hello - this may be off topic, but I'm hoping someone will be able to help. A friend and I are starting an online business and would like to form a business partnership. Does anyone have advice on the best place to have this done at a reasonable price. Many thanks in advance.
Best place to draft a business partnership agreement?
I'm in Tassie. Thanks for your reply BTW.
No problem. I'll check with my wife (CA) whether she knows anyone in Tassie she can recommend (she used to work for a global company) other than that find a CA near you. When entering in partnership with someone else they CAN end badly so setting up a company with it's own assets with you guys both as director sound like the best option, but best leave it to the CA.
Strongly suggest thinking up business name immediately while checking whether any domains are still available closely related to your thought up name.
So many people register a business name then can't register the domain name (taken) I see it all the time. Or vice versa.
If you need help let me know my company does domain names and hosting if need be.
Off topic but still on topic - as a small business owner.
1) check domain name/s availability
2) check business name AND Company name availability
3) check trade marks - www.ipaustralia.gov.au4) consider registering multiple domains to protect your brand.
It will cost you a lot less than a legal battle in the future.for example - common mispellings, variations, etc.
an example would be: mrX.com.au and misterX.com.au and even consider net.au domains as well as the com domain.
Best place NOT to do this is in a nightclub restroom while intoxicated, drooling, and frequently mentioning that you love your mate.
But seriously.
Grab a CA Accountant. They can set that up with necessary protections etc. in place. Where are you located? If in WA I have suggestions.