Hi, I am after various Nintendo Amiibo's, that are not discontinued. Where is the best place to buy either online worldwide or instore, Thanks
Best Place to Buy Nintendo Amiibo's Please!

Most retail stores currently at the moment are only stocking Mario, Pikachu and Luigi. I would imagine the next lot of deliveries are when Wave 3 comes out. Best bet currently if you want them other than those 3 would be to check online but would expect to pay more then the $14-$18 in store here.
About the best place to get stock is a Japanese online store. You don't get the English writing on the package but you get the Amiibo.
Target/JB HiFi/BigW are pretty much sold out. You'll be lucky to find the occasional Mario or Pikachu. If you do see stock (had a mate from interstate find a whole lot of Capt. Falcons) jump on it.
If you want, do a ring-around. Get the numbers of all the stockists in your area (or area prepared to travel) and give them a call. They probably won't hold stock but if you get moving pretty quick you might get it before it sells.
Otherwise, sadly it's over-inflated prices on eBay/Gumtree.
I called Nintendo directly (not too far from my house) and asked about stock. They don't sell from their retail section, but only supply retailers so I couldn't get any info from them about getting extra Amiibos. As for the GC Adapters… sounds like there's no word on further stocks. Such a sad day.
Cheers guys
alternatively go www.gumtree.com.au
some are selling the rare/hard to find Amiibo for around $30-$40…
They're really hard to find at the moment.
Are you after Wave 1, 2 or looking to preorder Wave 3? Particular characters?
Stock comes and goes pretty regularly at Mighty Ape so check back to that page often. Otherwise, I keep an eye on my local Target and KMart stores as they'll often have a few characters stocked every so often (but not in large quantities).
If you're after a particular Amiibo and you're willing to pay for it then you can try eBay or international stores (like GAME UK).
There's still no definite answer whether any are actually discontinued. I don't think Nintendo have really decided yet. So I wouldn't go nuts on paying overs for anything.
Edit: Oh yeah, and this Whirlpool thread gets updates if people find stock so also worth monitoring.