**The first 500 consumers to complete their details below will be sent a Dermeze Soap Free Wash 250ml free of charge
Free Full Size Sample of Soap Free Wash**

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No I think they would still allow people to sign up even if when the 500 are long gone. How can they resist some free statistics?
Hmmmm…. this started on 01 July 2009 - wonder if there are any left? I know some will say they should have taken it down if not but I have my doubts.
ETA: This was also apparently advertised in New Idea all those months ago. Given that this means a very wide audience, I'd have to say I dont think theres any chance that there are any left.
A great deal IMO but just posted way too late.
What liss says is true so I dont see why ppl are neg voting his comment.
good luck to those they gave up their info
didn't seem to work for me? "Sorry, but this form is limited to one submission per user." I certainly hadn't filled it out before. Got the same error when I tried with my work e-mail addresss.
Thanks a lot, I'll try it.
Thank you - your details have been sent
i got an email from them entitled "FREE full size Dermeze Soap Free Wash New Idea FP - Receipt" and it was only all my details i had entered. wonder whether that means the promo is still active…
I got same email as bel13884, after entering details, will wait and see before I pass judgement.
sent in my request a few months ago, received the sample a few weeks later. awesome deal imo! you get a full size bottle of the lotion not some puny sample sachet. most surprised that it 1) was a full size bottle, 2) that it came at all.
here's hoping it comes through
Came today in the mail
I wish they let you know if you're one of the 500 or not - still I guess they wouldn't get people signing up otherwise!