Harvey Norman Half yearly clearance sale
Samsung Galaxy Alpha 4G $498
Samsung Galaxy S4 $389
plus more deals
Harvey Norman Half yearly clearance sale
Samsung Galaxy Alpha 4G $498
Samsung Galaxy S4 $389
plus more deals
Both the white and black S4 are showing up as out of stock for me, rain checks until mid Jan.
S4 are also $389 at officeworks.
Samsung is apparently going to start making lower-cost phones in the future, they aren't doing so well in the emerging markets (i.e. most of Asia) as Xiaomi has a strong record of selling low priced yet high end devices.
Tried to price match s4 at 2x jb's but both refused as the site is showing out of stock
will try tomorrow :)
forget about JB, even when they are in stock, I tried and he first check HN website, then check his PC, then walked away and said he will be back soon, came back and said "Sorry, we are out of stock" with a dodgy look, they will use any kind of excuse to avoid price matching.
TGG had it for 498 but included a bonus Samsung Gear Live smart watch, I think that promotion has ended though.
Only got my S4 yesterday been waiting for stock at HN but they did come through for me.
The Alpha does indeed look good, but be warned:
It may already be on the way out.