As the title says what is the procedure to buy a used car from private seller, After we have discussed the price and got the car checked with mechanic, how do i proceed?
Whats the best option to pay?
Should they or I fill any form?
What will be the proof that i paid for the car?
Other then Rego what will be the proof that i own the car or is that the only thing required?
And any other tips or forms or documents i need to finalise the car?
Thanks for your time.
Legally it really depends on the state you live in.
Look at the local Road Authority, like Vicroads etc.
Make sure you verify every detail on the form.
Check VIN number, check sellers drivers license.
Write a simple separate sales contract.
Eg The vicroads transfer form only says that you are now paying rego, without a basic sales contract it is still his.
Sales contract should include buyer and seller details including Drivers license and car type, colour, VIN.
Paying, you could pay by cash or bank cheque. for the seller I would however be careful with bank cheque's, they can be cancelled by the bank. You have a few days clearance, as opposed to what most people think.
As the buyer that is not your concern if the seller accepts bank cheque.