ADSL 2+ Broadband + Home Phone - TPG to Exetel (Telstra Circuit)

Hey guys,

Currently on the old TPG $79.99/month contract with unlimited internet and phone calls including international to selected countries.

Contract finishes in 2 months and was looking to go with a cheaper option. Since we only need around 50GB-100GB of internet per month and incoming landline calls only.

Just wondering what everyone's opinion is for me to change to Exetel's 100GB per month plan for $48.33/month including line rental and line activation costs. The deal TPG offered me is $49.99/month for 50GB on peak/50GB off peak internet per month.

Oh, and I'm in Brisbane QLD…house is about 120 meters away from the Telstra/TPG exchange, and there are open ports available for Exetel/Telstra to use if I switch from TPG to Exetel.

Link to new TPG plans/pricing they offered me (Under standard bundles):

Link to Exetel's plans/pricing:

Thanks for your help!

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  • I'm with Exetel on their 100GB plan. My opinion is go for it.

    Previously just used data from my phone haha as I thought that would be cheaper, probably was until Telstra shut down Kogan mobile.

    • +1

      Is there anyway to avoid the $99 up-front activation cost or get it reduced? As this up-front cost if the only thing holding me back from signing up with Exetel!

  • Well I just paid the set up fee. But in December 2013 they had a promotion when new connections didn't have to pay it. Not sure if they will ever have a repeat of that deal.

    Actually when I follow the link you put above it says the charge is only $59.99

    • Yes, but then after I enter my home address in. The price changes to $99.99 and Exetel confirmed this on the phone as well. If it was $59.99, then I would happily pay that and switch to them!

      • Wow ok. If you're likely to still be living at your current address after the contract ends then in the long term you will be making more of a saving. I don't see Exetel becoming more expensive than TPG unless there's some radical change in their business model.

        • Yes. Basically it will be $99.99 in activation costs, as they will switch me to the Optus circuit which means it will be like a brand new setup from scratch…new phone number and everything. As currently, the connection I'm on with TPG uses the Telstra circuit, and Exetel don't want to use that as the first option…the Optus circuit is Exetel's first choice according to the Customer Service team on the phone since they said that they get a better deal on the Optus wholesale network.

  • Be aware that Tesltra ports are $10/month extra (ie $50/month for line rental and 100Gb plus setup costs) and there are no calls included.
    AFAIK they'll only put you on a Telstra port if there are no Optus ports available in your exchange.

    • Yes, I have both Optus/Telstra ports available at my exchange and my house has 2 lines (1 Telstra, 1 Optus). So Exetel said they would switch me over to the Optus circuit. As currently I'm with TPG using the Telstra circuit.

      • If you're already connected to a Telstra Wholesale DSLAM, then you ought to be able to churn to Exetel for the reduced $59.99 transfer fee but paying the extra $10/month, ie $50/month +$59.99 setup.
        This is not necessarily a bad idea.

        However, if you want to connect a new service to the Optus line, then it's going to cost $99.99.
        Before you go ahead, it's definitely worth asking on Whirlpool to see how Exetel on Optus performs at your exchange. Lots of people report massive congestion on Optus ports.
        Exetel on Telstra ports don't seem to have that congestion issue.

        • Yes, a few on my friends who are connected to my exchange using Exetel on the Optus circuit say during peak time and at times, they barely manage to get a quarter of the ADSL 2+ speed. So Ill have to think about this since i have a few months before my contract with tpg expires

        • @PLA74:
          Worth paying the extra $10 to stay on the Telstra port then..

        • @scubacoles: Yes, will have to pay the extra charges if I decided to switch to Exetel on the Telstra circuit. I just wish TPG didn't have a on-peak/off-peak bandwidth usage for their cheaper plans.

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