Bonds are having an up to 50% off sale.
Just had a look and alot of items are actually @ 50% off
Free shipping Australia Wide
Bonds are having an up to 50% off sale.
Just had a look and alot of items are actually @ 50% off
Free shipping Australia Wide
Cheers EC.
Were the prices jacked up or sth, Microfiber trunks are now $17 even after discount??? Normally I grab these for $12 at BigW when on sales
Bugger… the ONLY thing I wanted (Chesty athletic singlets), are not discounted at all… :(
Wasn't this already posted about a week ago?
From memory that was 40%, they recycled the pics though
ah. i'd rather wait for another 50% off at big w or something, so i dont have to pay for shipping
my bad. free shipping. but what i want is not on sale (explorer socks)
Great deal as quality of bonds have gone down down
Most Bonds items aren't worth more than that
And again EC I get
"We have detected a possible link between you and the original poster or the store itself. Please note that if you are in anyway affiliated with this offer, e.g. you are a staff at this store, or if you are a friend/household member of the poster, you should probably stop here, as artificially inflating the votes is categorised as Sockpuppeting on OzBargain."
where do u work. we might be employed by same employer
that's funny you guys could be close colleagues and not know it.
correct. we may be using the same employers IP to access ozbargain @ work
@easternculture: We had a poster and responder in here just last week that apparently turned out to be online gaming pals. I think it was realised because they used the self same handles used during gaming. Cannot recall what deal that was though.
Skinny trackies…"Take these trackies out on the town, they are way too cool to hide away on the couch"
Nothing more classy bogan than heading out in your trackies…
Even with 50% off it's still expensive for chinese made mass produced products of subperior products.
Have you tried the explorer socks? If you can get them around $5 a pair, they're worth it IMO
Ive seen them in supermarkets, their explorer socks have a really coarse and rough texture. Not what you would consider high quality…
I'm wondering about the Bonds birthday vouchers… would they normally be usable on your actual birthday? Cause this year the December ones expired on the 20th… even if your birthday is on the 29th… Seems a bit silly…
Was anyone else caught out trying to use their December "Bonds birthday voucher" on their birthday, only to discover it had actually expired, days prior to their birthday?!?
It's only ten clams, but what the hell, I'll rag on about it anyway… I'm petty like that!
Have not heard about those before but if I were you I would certainly take it up with their Customer Relations people. If you haven't already that is. If that was a promo for all Bonds regular customers either I don't recall it or just didn't receive a voucher.
We used to buy quite a bit of Bonds gear but not too pleased with some of the quality of some items of late (made in Indonesia). Bit late to return some items after a few washes and no longer have the return stickers. I am now reluctant to buy much more, although the men's undies and socks seem to be okay.
any singlets?
are bonds singlets still good quality?
The Mens Bonds singlets I bought last year are quite fine still.
Do they have any calf length sock? Its ridiculous how nobody seems to sell calf length socks in australia…
Dont know about Bonds but I still buy them for son. Believe they are called crew socks. Last lot I bought for him were of the wide tops variety. Bit surprised he wanted them but perhaps he ended up with some of my wide tops (prefer for circulation) accidentally and decided they were better. Now I keep losing my socks!
Crew socks are almost always mid calf ;(
Sorry; yes, my error there. I did mean the quarter crew, but actually I did check their website and Bonds also do have many types of "low cut" styles. I purchased my son the Men's ultimate low cut socks; he really likes those too. On the website click on Mens, then select socks; quite a few alternatives there. :o)
There is also a buy 2 get 30% promo going. Seems to be able to mix and match as well.
I just tried with a 50% off item together with a "Buy 2 get 30%" item together and i got 50% for the first item and 30% for the second item off.
Do The Shop at the Big Bonds Sale!