G'day, have spent the day searching for a decent price on hiring a keg (at this stage looking at 50L) in Melbourne, but looking at some pretty steep prices.. Does anyone have any experience in hiring a keg, and further, can anyone recommend a place to hire from in Melbourne?
Visited the obvious google hits, but there seems to be quite a difference in overall package prices, just wondering what sets them apart?
The keg is for a party I'm hosting on the Aus day weekend (is it going to cost me more $$$ to have it for 2 nights/3days..?)
Cheers for any tips and leads!
You could try ringing around a few local pubs.
When I worked in a pub a few years a go and we had a couple of portable temprite/ice box dispensers on hand that we would provide with kegs. Didn't charge a hire price for the gear per se if they bought the kegs from us, just needed a bond.
If you do get one, don't adjust the gas - I used to dread hiring them out as they'd often call up complaining of frothy beer - always the same story - Uncle Numbnuts thought it was a bit flat so adjusted it. Hard thing to unf*ck without lots of wastage.