The game drops 4 trading cards which are selling for 7c each on the steam market.
After 'valve tax' you will have earned 20c making the game free + a nice 6c profit :D
The game drops 4 trading cards which are selling for 7c each on the steam market.
After 'valve tax' you will have earned 20c making the game free + a nice 6c profit :D
But you need to have the game running for about two hours to get four cards… not worth my power bills and wear and tear on my PSU etc.
The game counts as running even if you've alt-tabbed out of it, you don't need to be playing it.
you can also use Idlemaster, it launches a process spoofing a Steam ID and Steam will be tricked into thinking that you're playing a game when it's only running a dummy .exe process.
I didn't know about this trick. Thanks for sharing the info.
I just leave games running in the background while web surfing, file manager, writing, etc. Some games use virtually no CPU cycles (Power) while Alt tabbed out, but I have seen some Indie games with poor graphics consume one entire core while alt-tabbed out of. That is poor programming since the game is doing nothing. The exe just hogs an entire core once it starts up,even though it doesn't need that power for a 2D game.
Idlemaster sounds great. I don't have to download 20GB games to get their cards.
I presume there are no risk of bans involved by using this sort of thing?
There is always risk. According to Steam's EULA a person could get banned for not using their UI to make purchases.
The same person who does Idle Master also does Enhanced Steam, both excellent programs once you become accustomed to them.
I haven't read of any bans using this. Probably issue could arise if you were playing a VAC secured game at the same time, but this program is meant to be run whilst you are not gaming. there was another program that let people farm Steam achievements too, but I don't know if it works now because Achievements are supposed to be server side. And there was a program for farming TF2 items as well but that loophope was shut down. Steam shouldn't mind since they make 2cents+ on each card sold. It doesn't hurt them to allow such tools since it isn't ruining the system for anyone else the way aimbots and other multiplayer cheats do.
@Thaal Sinestro: Exactly. It also means people purchase games they otherwise wouldn't bother with. No matter which way a person views it Steam still wins.
Best of all it means we can get cards for those games (looking at you Bit Trip) that are so badly coded they simply won't run. Plus we get access to Booster packs.
One of the worst games in the last 20 years though…
I'm new to Steam, and I don't understand the concept of "selling" the "trading" cards… how do I go about doing it? And how can I check if I have any cards? Apologies if there's already been a discussion or thread about this; if so please let me know the link?
The Trading cards are collectibles that drop randomly from a game. They appear in your inventory and everytime a card drops, you get a notification (Mail icon on the top right corner of the Steam Client).
A game for example, may have 10 collectible cards… the catch though is to collect them all you will need to buy or trade some of them to get the ones you're missing. The game will only give you a limited number of cards and the rest of the set you must procure via other means; trading with friends or buying them from the market.
Once you've collected a full set, they can be combined to make a badge, with gives you additional stuff to customize your profile with, as well as discount coupons for certain games. The coupons however, tend to have a short expiry.
This post explains it pretty well.…
The obvious thing to do if you do not care about crafting badges is to just sell them all on the market. and the proceeds goes into your steam wallet.
Some cards are very rare and can be worth quite a bit on the market — sell them asap rather than holding onto them (they become more common over time and value depreciates).
Cheers Scrimmers, exactly the sort of info/link I was after :)
Thanks OP very much appreciated :D
Also Defy Gravity $0.14 and GEARCRACK $0.09 Arena and both include cards :)