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Hurom Hu-700 "The Boss" Slow Juicer: Burgundy @ Myer $350 + Free shipping


Some highlights for this model:

  • Coarse and fine Ultem strainers
  • Includes lifetime motor and 5 year parts warranty

Not available in most Vic stores, and gift card is not accepted online.

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closed Comments

  • wow great find! hu-500 (old model) is 299 at vitality4life and 308 9n appliances online.

    • +1

      DJs price matched Perth City - paid with recent AMEX deal making total $320.

  • +1

    Pro: great cold press juicer- keeps the nutrients and will be fresh for 48 hours. Juice tastes better than your hack and slash juicer.

    Con: It's a pain to clean properly. takes about 15 mins as you have to brush the pulp out of the mechanical bits.

    overall great if you juicing a large quantity and price is great too.

    • It couldn't be worse to clean than a hack n slash juicer? My mom has this model and says it's so much quicker and easier than the old centrifugal juicer to clean.

      • It's possible. What centrifugal juicer does she have? The bullet and juice fountain are much easier to clean. my mum has two C juicers and after cleaning Hu 700 once, she refused to clean it again! i think with more practice i could clean it in 7 mins or with a high pressured water hose found in some high end kitchen, i can do it in 2 mins?

        there are some youtube vids of cleaning this Hu 700 but they don't clean all the parts which have pulp in it and they don't do it properly .otherwise they would not get this yellowish stain.

    • Don't gorget, it may keep for 48 hours, bu t to get the most out of your juicing benefits, you must drink it within 15 minutes of juicing. Oxidisation… etc, etc.

  • This or an Oscar Neo DA-1000 Juicer for $423.20 that can do ice cream, pasta, soup and nut butters amongst other things.

    • We have the Oscar Neo - it can't do nut milks like the Hurom.

      Deciding between the two depends on what you want to use it for. We've never used the Oscar for anything but hard fruit/vegie juice although now that it is summer time we might take up the idea of frozen fruit sorbets =)

      Btw, how do you make soup with the Oscar?

      • I don't think I dare to put nuts into the Hurom after a seed of the watermelon got in and chipped one of the spirally bits.

        Can you mix the meat with the veggie in the oscar and make a soup that way?

    • Do you like making pasta, ice cream, sausages…regularly? ;) get the oscar

      or you are getting it predominately for juicing? if your main purpose is to juice, get Hurom. An Oscar juices slower and is a bit harder to clean.

      • We've found the Oscar Neo pretty easy to clean! Don't wash it in running water… loosen all the bits with a plugged sink with soapy water first.

  • We have a Kogan slow juicer bought for $75 which seems to do the job. It's annoying to clean but then they all are.

    I'm wondering if paying the extra for a Hurom or Oscar provides any real benefit?

    • How dry does the pulp come out?

      As Crownie said, the Oscar Neo has more functions - baby food, mincing, pasta, sorbets…
      Oscar Neo is also quite easy to clean.

      • Pretty dry…tiny bit moist perhaps but no running liquids in it.

        We only use it for juice and then not as often as we'd like.

        Sounds like build quality/longevity is the main difference between the Kogan and the Hurom.

    • Quality parts where motor has 10 year warranty. Not all 150w motors are made equal.
      Hurom can last decades where you'd be lucky to get 3 out of your Kogan.

  • I have checked the Hurom Website and seems like they have a sale going on as well. Looks like they have new models introduced (Elite series) and assume the current models might be on clearance.

    • Interestingly this model is advertised to have a lifetime motor warranty and 5 years parts warranty, but the Hurom Elite models only have 10 years motor and 2 years parts warranty.

  • Cant got wrong with the huroms. I own the 500 and have been using it for the last 6 months.

    I don't find it that hard to clean. Just get the provided brush to brush the metal filter bits.

  • https://www.youtube.com/user/lyb1539/videos

    If you've got the Oscar Neo, this youtube channel has probably the best demos I've seen.
    (nb in mandarin and east asian recipes =)

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