This was posted 15 years 4 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[EXPIRED] Free Wii Console and/or Wii Fit Plus (for First 50 People in Line) SYDNEY CITY MYER


This is my first post.

Myer on George St, Sydney, are giving away 50 Wii Fit Plus' (game only) for the first 50 people in line before midday tomorrow (15/10/09). The first 3 will also get a free Wii Console.

Good luck!

mod - added the "/or" as well as expired to the title

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  • +3

    How did you hear about this?

    I bet there are already 3 people in line.

    • this is gay, i work in myer city ON LEVEL 6
      i cant get it cause im assuming its not applicable to employees

      • Why wouldn't it be? Its Nintendo who's giving away the prizes not MYER. Unless you mean you're working while its going on.

      • Can you report back on the hilarity that ensued for those not in sydney - wouldnt mind a laugh tomorrow.

        • +2

          Security camera footage with overdubbed "Benny Hill" music should fit the bill on this one! ;)

  • Oh yeah, this was taken from the MX (13/10/09 on page 3)

  • +1

    its going to be hectic i believe lol funny…

    • yeah i agree. but just thought if anyone had any free time and really wanted a wii, then they could give it a go

  • +7

    gonna be a challenge - reality COTD!

    • Yeah, imagine if the credit card swiping machine 'timed out' LOL

    • +1

      reality COTD would be a Wii in the hands of 1000 people at the same time, all swiping their cards milliseconds apart on their own dedicated card machine, to see whose transaction goes through first, before 997 people see the Wii miraculously disappear from their hands. (and some people would have no Wii and a receipt showing their payment went through)

  • +1

    If I'm in Sydney, I'd go there now and start camping…it's gonna be crazy at the front of THAT line.

  • I was here first !! .. no I WAS!! NO I WAS !! .. who is going to control this? omg .. this is a bad idea

  • could someone who happened to be there take a video and upload it in youtube its going to be massive of ppl… and probably a world record. :)

    • +1

      "its going to be massive of ppl" ……or 50 :-P

  • I'm sure someone will be happy… They should have offered it during the school holidays to really cause chaos! :D

    • +1

      It is school holidays in Sydney at the moment! =)

    • Hi Quarrymaster, I'd like to contact you. Could you please send me an email. Thanks.

  • +2

    Elsewhere, people get modded down for posting very limited things like this: . Why shouldn't this one be too?

    also your title is wrong as it is saying the first 50 will get a wii which is not the case

    • Correct, the title needs fixing!!!

  • Only Sydney? How about other states?

    • Only Sydney. Only 3 people (or 50) depending which way you look at it. Not a good chance of even Sydneysiders getting it!

  • Not a very smart campaign as they will only get 50 people in the line, if you’re +50 why would you bother.

    They shouldn’t have disclosed how many they had to give away

    Good post foo7 but you do need ti fix up your title :)

  • all you need now is serve beer to the 50 in the line and wait for a slug fest. :D

  • +2

    Only the first 3 people get the wii console. Everyone else gets a copy of the wii fit plus game (valued at about $25) and you need wii fit balance board to play it. i wouldnt bother

  • hahaha………we will see the news……

  • 50 campers in a Myer department store. Classy ;-)

  • Actually the first 50 people get a gift bag "including the Wii Fit Plus game", meaning there will be some other goodies (worth less than the game no doubt) for those first 50.

  • +9

    something tells me it will be a dash for level 6 given the store is locked down each night. Multiple entrances into Myers from George Street and Pitt Street Mall, not too mention elevators or the escelator dash. U probably don't need the Wii fit if you make it there first given you will out run everyone else.

  • +6

    Wouldn't it be a fascinating social experiment if Myer instead said "48th-50th persons in the queue get a FREE Wii" then everybody will be running around in circles trying to end up at the last few positions.

    No i'm not on dope today.

    • +2

      haha this is genius. I'd probably chip in some cash if anyone was interested in making this happen.

    • lol much better idea - i'd pay to see that.

  • even if you camp out the front of the store and are first to the door - doesnt even mean you will be first to reach LEVEL 6. LOL. omg i need to see the race to the top level hahahaha - i would go (but im not) just to test my 'fitness' competing with others to get to the top - great marketing ploy nintendo - people will be getting fit trying to nab a free wii fit :P

    • +1

      Hope they have their first aid and security staff ready when people fall over in the six storey stampede and fight for the 3-4 place… Maybe they could have a display of first aid kits next to the counter ;-)

  • Interesting as it seems, wonder who the first 3 was, or too busy still brawling who's first? :o

  • I Smell BLOOD!!! LOL!!!

  • People will do more damage in store running around then the 3 Wiis and games are worth… silly silly!

  • It's tomorrow, smellyDuriandude. So you can take part.

    Me, I just can't believe it about Russell Brand and Katy Perry. How awkward can that first dinner with her religious parents be, right? Gosh.

    • At first I had no idea what you were talking about….like what's Brand and Perry got to do with the Wii….and then I read the article above the ad :P

      As for the Nintendo giveaway, I am betting that some Myer staff not on shift will be some of the first in line. If they know the right people they can get in first.

      I am sure there will be media there anyway, if this is meant to be a publicity stunt, so there will definitely be photos to see.

  • +6

    The game is like $23 at BIG W, so hardly worth waiting in line for.
    The console on the other hand, but only 3 to give away, meh.

  • -7

    not gonna cause a riot filled with cheapskates.

  • My time is worth more than lining up for these things. But a freebie's a freebie… if you can get it.

  • this will be fun

  • The store only opens at midday which means you'll prolly have to be in line for many hours to be the first 3 there. Not worth it.

  • I'd go to line up if i was in Sydney. But if i got there and the line was already a dozen people there, i'd just go home, depending on how i rated my fitness compared to theirs.

    I remember lining up at a Myer boxing Day sale when i was a kid, trying to buy fridges for my grandma's partner. I bolted up the escalators, and there were hundreds of people squashed out the front of Myer, and there was a big fish tank out front which then got knocked over and smashed when the doors opened.

    Dead fish, smashed glass and water on the floor. These types of things can equal lawsuits.

  • +8

    I just came back from there and this was a scam! I and several others were first out of the lift while others were still climbing the escalator. Then we found 5 others had been waiting there already and they were not the guys waiting in front of any lifts or escalators! Shame on you Myer insiders!

    • +1

      Probably employees

    • What happened to the midday opening?

      • the dude doesnt have a time machine - its only 11am!

    • -1

      It opens at 12pm?

  • Wondering should I just pop over in case they have more than 50 gift bags. Is the clearance bin on 50%??

  • +9

    It was really badly organized by Myer. When I arrived at the main entrance (George st) at 5:30 there were 3 people already sitting outside the doors, 2 of which said they had been their since 4. Anyway over the next few hours people started queuing behind us and by 9 o clock their were probably 20 of us crowding around each of the 2 sliding doors. When they finally opened all the entrance doors the door which us early birds were crowding behind failed to open, giving everyone else a 10 second head start.

    It was chaos when I got in, people running towards the escalators and security guards trying to keep everyone under control. I decided to use lifts; I was probably with hahaer. Unfortunately the lift went down before going back up. Anyway on the top floor there was lady standing at the top of the escalator hading out wristbands, I grabbed one and ended up being number 44th. One of the ladies who arrived at 4 was one place behind me, the 2 other early people missed out.

    They handed out the prizes at about 9:30, the "Nintendo area" opens at 12. I think the idea was to attract lots of people for the opening, but the people who missed out on a wristband left and everyone else left after collecting their prize bag.

    All up, it was a bit unfair to the people who got their early and I'm not sure if it did Myer any good (not that I care).

    I'm tired, have work in 2 hours but hey, Ive got a free copy of wii fit plus, a nintendo notepad & post-it-notes, a zelda ds stylus and a daggy red and yellow nintendo bag!

    • what does the zelda stylus look like?
      Is it a feather looking one?

    • what does the zelda stylus look like?
      Is it a feather looking one?

      • +1

        yeah its a feather made of transparent plastic

        • Cheers.
          One last question.
          Does it say Spirit Tracks on the box or does it simply have a fairy on it?
          Cause i may be interested in buying it off you.

          • @SPYKE: the box has the "The Legend of Zelda" logo with "Spirit Tracks" underneath. Let me know if you want any pictures, I would be happy to sell it too you as I don't particularly want it.

            • @matt123: yeah, ill buy it off you.

              email me and we can take it from there.

    • thank you for the detailed information. don't like this kind of deal

  • So they gave away items before 12???

    Who got the wii consoles?

    • i dunno who they were, i hadn't seen them at the entrance I was at, and yes they gave away the items at about 9:30

    • Yeah I'm confused. The advertisement said 12 noon but they handed out wristbands and gave away prizes at 9/9.30?

      What am I missing here?

  • The biggest mistake was publishing this in MX. I received this promotion by SMS two weeks ago from Nintendo. Posting on Ozbargain was the second mistake ;)

  • So all the diehard fans came and went (at 9:30) before the store opened. Their store must have been dead at noon! lol

  • +1

    I just went to Myer to check it out and to pick up a copy of Wii Fit Plus. It was so crowded and the line was sooooo long I couldnt even get in to the area to get a copy of the game.

    Good planning Myers/Nintendo. All the deadbeats waiting in line just to sit around with there fingers up there a** looking at nintendo product while the people who want to buy games get turned away and go somewhere else.


  • +1

    still can't believe people will brave the cold at 4am just to queue for a wii.
    shocking what people will do to each other for a freebie.

  • +2

    anyone have footage of the race up to level 6? ;)

  • Give up everyone, this is just a Myer test for the share offer.

    The same fools will be falling over themselves for the shares

    The ones who miss out are the ones who will be having lattes at St Kilda or Bondi beaches while the shareholders will be the ones out the back looking for leftovers in the dumpsters.

    As for the 9:30 start for the 12 noon offer, guess they were factoring in the time it would take you to get served - you do realise it was a Myer store

    BTW Britta welcome the the Myer realists club - for every person in line ahead of you at a Myer register add 10 minutes waiting time, see my point above.

    First rule of bargain hunting ——> Price alone does not always indicate Value


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