So I am sure we all know by now psn has been hacked yet again and now it's been down two days running.
Some sources for those who aren't up to date.……

Anyhow, it's pretty annoying I bought bf4 premium on Christmas eve, and now this happening I can't even play the game offline.
Oh well I am gonna go for a run now.

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  • It has not been hacked. This is yet again a DDOS. Its very different than hacking. Its blocking service by congesting the servers until they go down. We can't lose data by this method at all, its just a bunch of no-hoper assholes using already exploited PCs to overwhelm the PSN. They done the same thing to MS as well but they're back up already.

    • Noobs

  • Xbox live was also down.

    Apparently Kim Dotcom got it sorted,…

  • You can also follow:

    Thanks to KimDotCom they stopped the attack ytesterday. Servers are in the process of being brought back up. Possibly being updated at the same time, hence the delay.

    I'm buying a PS4 tomorrow. Hopefully it's usable by then!

    • People were still complaining about outages after DotCom offered LS a bribe to stop.

      He achieved nothing.

      Anyhow, it's pretty annoying I bought bf4 premium on Christmas eve, and now this happening I can't even play the game offline.

      No offline play is something that devs have to abandon. This type of stuff happens often enough that disabling offline play amounts selling a product that doesn't work.

      • Actually he did achieve something. They did stop the attacks yesterday. It's still down as a DDoS can cause damage, and with everyone trying to log on with the Christmas gifts, it's getting smashed. It's not something that just "stops".

  • Online required is ridiculous.

    Similar to "Please insert disc" on computer, any idiot can install a copy of the game, add a no-cd patch and voila.
    The only people it hurts is average joe who's doing the right thing.

    Anyone with 10% knowledge or ability will bypass any of these basic restrictions with ease. It's not like pirated versions of the games come with all these restrictions.
    Similar to online music when it was DRM restricted and you couldn't just use music you bought how you wanted… which has now gone the way of the dodo. But again, the people doing the wrong thing, had restriction free music they could do whatever with! So all they did was piss off the regular customers.

    They just never learn.

  • After trying to sign in at various times since this morning, I just got in about 5 mins ago… Psn.

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