This was posted 10 years 2 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VPN Required] Rent The Interview for USD $6 on Google Play Store (Was $15 for Movie Ticket)


The glorious leader Kim Jong Un, father of best Korea, has revolutionised the movie industry. Recent release movies to digital may be a thing as soon as iTunes decides to support this innovation.

You will need a US IP address to access the film for rent. You also have the choice to purchase this 99% satisfaction IMDB rated film for 15 dollars and own it forever.

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Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • +11

    Not a deal. Should be forum

  • +6

    Declaration: By Renting this movie, Google INC. hold no responsibility for any hacking activity or email threats by North Korean Hackers

  • +8

    Nth Korea is best Korea!!

    • +2

      Waiting to see people from South Korea neg you…

      • +1

        Oppa gangnam style.

    • 당신은 평양 에서 추방 되었다.

  • +4

    Own it forever? As desirable as dandruff if critic reviews are accurate

  • +3

    A poor movie that will make a whole lot money from this publicity.

    • +1

      After seeing it , I have to agree.

  • +2

    99% satisfaction IMDB rated film*

    *rated by 4chan before anyone had seen the film

    • I think he was the 1st North Korean Hacker to hack Sony and Watch the Movie > Then rate it

      The following reviews are from his freinds and family

      • +2

        Yeah thats what I meant. 4chan is the best hacker

  • +1

    If they refuse to accept my money i refuse to go out of my way to pay for it.

    Pirateing it, screw sony!

    • +2

      Btw this is standard priceing no deal.

      • This is the important part.

        If its going to be $6 normally, it ain't a bargain, and its just advertising.

    • You tried to pay for it?

      • +4

        You tried to pay for it?

        i certainly didnt. i refuse to support any company in cahoots with the MAFIAA.. will be happily watching it later tonite tho

      • +3

        I searched the website they dont take any cards outside the us and google play it didnt even show up on my tablet or mobile as i am in austrlia obviously. So yes i will happily pirate it since they are refuseing to accept money.

  • I can't believe Sony didn't release it on their own PlayStation store.

    I hope itunes gets it. Goggle play movies in all honest leaves much to be desired.

    • +2

      I think it was already proven that sony was easy to hack. Releasing it there may have impacted the PS Store over the holidays,

      On the other hand, Google's web security might be more complicated and harder to hack

      • Talk about your post being prophetic!

        From IGN…
        "The Playstation Video store was supposed to sell the movie as well, "at a a date determined shortly," but were hit with a snag after the site was targeted by hackers on Christmas Day."

        Sigh… Seriously though, the Sony (including PSN) outages, hacks, etc, have become a frigging industry joke. Do they have all these systems with default "password" passwords? I can't believe how often stuff like this seems to happen to them, and it never seems to end.

  • +2

    Downloaded and watched already, Kim Jong-un speaks very good English.

    • +1

      I'm surprised it's already available through Uncle Terrence.

      • He had help from N Korea in acquiring his digital copy.

    • Kim Jong-un speaks very good English.

      didn't he study in UK?

      • Kim Jong-un was in Switzerland as a student for 9 years, not quite sure his English is as good as the actor inside the movie.

        • Haven't seen the movie but federer is from Switzerland and hits English is perfect.

        • @ms:

          Damn, the actor is going to win an Oscar ;)

  • +3

    this thing has turned into a PR/Marketing dream come true, there's no way they could not release it

    • Sure, but Sony are still going to lose a shitload thanks to the hack… :P

  • Youtube also has it (you need us vpn)

    Has anyone managed to pay for it?

  • Ok worked it out. Just use entropay and vpn.


  • +1

    Just finished watching it. It was ok

  • +2

    Recent release movies to digital may be a thing as soon as iTunes decides to support this innovation.

    I wouldn't say it's up to Apple at all.

  • +7

    No way in hell am I going to pay to watch this over hyped movie..

  • Seth Rogen, 'nuff said!

  • 9.6/10 on IMDB, must be the greatest movie of all time.

  • +1

    Yeah, shouldn't be a deal. It's the price they are releasing it at.

  • Hi BoxBox

    How can you see the movie via those links without entering credit card details?

    Never used VPN.


    • -1

      It's pirateing the movie as i stated earlier but it's only streaming it instead of downloading it.

  • +4

    Just watched it. Dont bother, better save the $6 and spend it on more eneloops

  • +2

    IM sorry, how is this a bargain? This is the release price to push sales

  • +2

    Normal price, was never on at any cinemas.
    And not available in Australia.

    • And not available in Australia.

      not legally available to australia

      Section 10 of the Copyright Act, 1968, makes it illegal to access content that has “Technological Protection Measures” (geoblocked content).

      • +1

        It perhaps goes against Google's T&C's, but I don't think it is illegal. there’s little definitive evidence as to whether using a VPN to buy stuff breaches copyright law.

        As it is now geo-dodging is probably a gray area. Some companies don't give a damn and would sell to anyone on the globe (, some companies are against it because it hurts their revenue (Valve and Steam taking action to prevent gifting of games to other regions, but this is mainly to prevent arbitrage by sellers living in Russia) and some companies would rather you use their service than to pirate stuff illegally (Hulu) but overall the stance is rather mixed against geo blocking.

        I mean, look at this news report…

        • so… what your really saying is… its a big legal grey area right now? pretty much i agree :)

      • I thought section 10 specially says it does NOT apply to geographical blocks…. Ie. part c (the geographical blocking) does NOT apply to copyright infringement in section 10.

        Edit: as an aside this is why region free DVD players aren't a problem in oz.

        • +1


          The Copyright Amendment Act 2006 made changes required by the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement. In particular, it strengthened anti-circumvention laws, for the first time making it illegal in Australia to circumvent technical measures used by copyright owners to protect access to their works, and expanding the measures which count as technological protection measures which may not be circumvented. Like the FTA language, the new anti-circumvention law is closely modeled on the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, although it is not identical.

          i believe dvd region blocking has its own specific exemption but that does not necessarily apply to any other sort of technological blocking, but again im neither an expert nor have any specific evidence either way. id be interested if you have any specific info on vpn's bein specifically allowed

  • I've got some Telstra prepaid credit to use. Anyone knows if I can sign in through a VPN on my mobile device and use carrier billing?

  • I wouldn't classify this as a 'bargain' either since the $6 rent/$15 buy prices are the price points for the release. The price hasn't been discounted from that point

  • Not anybetter than normal pricing

  • +1

    Seth Rogen acts so bad they had to pump up the box office with crazy publicity to get people to see it.

  • Would not pay to see this movie

  • There's a bargain to be had after all. If you have the right link anyway!…

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