Would like to know how is everyone tracking their Woolworths EGift card vouchers numbers & PINs?
Had been buying these 5% and 7.5% off from Groupon and Entertainment book but starting to lose track how much value and which card number has what.
Would be great if there's iOS/Android/Windows app for them that keep tracks automatically.
I know you can check them online but you still need to know number/PIN.
Been just using note on phone to manually update value.
There must be an app for that.
I use google keep which has a very good android app (I don't know about ios).
You can paste the number / pin into google keep from your PC then while you are at the checkout after you enter the pin you have enough time to update the balance before the receipt prints.
I copy and paste the instore and online number so I can verify the $0 balance on my PC before deleting it from google keep.
This system has been working well for me.