55% off Laser Treatments in Australian Skin Clinics Melbourne Emporium*
The biggest discount ever!!!
Call us on 03 9081 0101
Locate on 3rd floor Emporium Melbourne
Shop 3-006, 275-321 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
*Conditions Apply
55% off Laser Treatments in Australian Skin Clinics Melbourne Emporium*
The biggest discount ever!!!
Call us on 03 9081 0101
Locate on 3rd floor Emporium Melbourne
Shop 3-006, 275-321 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
*Conditions Apply
hi skinexpert,
Is this for hair removal only or for laser redness & pigmentation treatments too?
hi hoobyjuice,
On boxing day, 55% off discount is for hair removal and other laser treatments in Australian Skin Clinics Melbourne Emporium. I'm not sure about the other Australian Skin clinics.
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