iPhone/Android Speakers

Looking for a unit that functions with either iPhone 4 or Android, preferably with charging built in for both (though this might be overly optimistic).

I understand bluetooth speakers are universal, but wouldn't imagine they have the ability to charge. Anyway, if pure bluetooth is the best bet, I'm still open to that option, and will charge the phones externally.

Doesn't need to be that high quality, around $100 would be good.

Forgot to mention, a built-in tuner (especially digital!) would be a plus, but not essential.


  • No sooner had I posted this, when I found this unit http://www.dicksmith.com.au/docks/philips-clock-radio-with-b… - maybe what I'm looking for. Wonder what the sound quality is like?

  • I'm actually looking for something similar and just remembered there was a TDK flip down clock radio for $79 at JB HiFi… -EDIT- Just realised the TDK is made with a 8-pin and not the 30-pin plug…

    However, when I did some research, I found out about the JBL Horizon which seems to match what you need more… though on ebay it cost $149+postage…

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