Redeems on Origin. Will need an American address to purchase.
Cheaper than the 20% off deal on Origin. I'd say the game is worth it for $10, it's not the best Sim City game but it has a fantastic UI and you'll get your monies worth.
Redeems on Origin. Will need an American address to purchase.
Cheaper than the 20% off deal on Origin. I'd say the game is worth it for $10, it's not the best Sim City game but it has a fantastic UI and you'll get your monies worth.
That's what you get for sending free "DLC" to the review websites ;)
Winner of 26 PC Game Awards..
That is true, but as a side-note, and I know I this is nit-picky of me to mention, they were all awarded before the game was actually released.
It's amazing what the legacy of the brilliant Will Wright and the faded glory of Maxis, prior to being assimilated by the Borg, can still earn you some 20 years later, despite the fact that the entire gaming demographic would cheer the news of EA's offices being destroyed by Sim City-like natural disasters.
When this game was released it required "online" play connected to EA servers (despite being largely single player, there are online multiplayer regional links in the game), I purchased a copy on day 1 and could not get a spot on a game server for about 2 weeks. ie. People bought the game then couldn't play it for weeks. This caused an obvious massive reaction and down voting on review sites. There were also a number of other teething problems such as slow in game speed (when you could get on a server) and quirks within the online portion of the game (such as money transfers between cities taking literally WEEKS to propagate through the EA servers). One massive crippling defect is the maps are tiny, but I guess this is to be expected as the simulation model is so detailed and complex the mathematical calculations going on in the background would be huge.
For the first time in a couple of years I played this game again last week and can report all of the early bugs seem to have been ironed out. It's a great game. Give it a go.
I haven't played since a few weeks after release, did the super speed option eventually get added? I remember it caused a lot of strain on their servers when it was initially released.
I actually really enjoyed the game recently as well, I just wish that there was an option to spend money to expand your map. You can practically "finish" the game very quickly leaving you with nothing to do.
I played this game again last week and can report all of the early bugs seem to have been ironed out. It's a great game. Give it a go.
Really, have they increased the pitifully small city sizes that you can outgrow in about an hour?
Because otherwise, it's not Sim City.
A step in the right direction but check out the comments. Quite a bit of things don't seem to work with that mod at all.
Sim City 4 + Rush Hour + way more mods, still eats this game for breakfast.
@Amar89: Sim City 4 beats it alone. I only like the 2013 edition as the UI is a bit more friendly and of course the pretty graphics. Cities Skylines looks like what Sim City 2013 should have been.
No maps are still small….but
One version of game play I have tried is to treat each "city" as a suburb, then share resources and cash between cities in the region (with you controlling all or most cities), this makes for a really fun game as you can (for example) set up 1 town with literally all mining and oil wells, pollute the city to buggery, build massive sewerage treatment, rubbish tips, power plants etc - then use this city as the cash cow and a "dirty" city to keep your pristine (loss making) residential, super well policed, educated etc city running, without the need to waste a heap of space in your pristine city on dirty services. Likewise a casino and tourism based city etc etc… It is then quite fun balancing the economics and service shares between cities. Sure it would be better if the maps are but I found playing the game in this manner significantly extended the gameplay.
I would consider buying at $5 US.
Winner of 26 PC Game Awards.. Review score on Amazon - 2.7