Tourist Refund Scheme (Re-Issue Receipt) (Emailed Receipt)

Hi all,

I saw this forum which is closed now, but I have some questions regards TRS as I am looking to go overseas after tomorrow and have some receipts that going to clim the tax back.

I had problem with my first macbook and apple decided they are going to replace it, So I have been given new one and they gave me a "re-issue receipt"
here is a photo of the receipt

the receipt stated the two devices but some how not clear enough that it is replacement, may I have problem because of this?
can I get the tax back while its re-issue receipt? or I should have the original? (they took the original)
also is there any problem that its emailed receipt (going to print it)? or I should go back and ask for hard copy receipt?

Also another thing, bought some gifts and they have been wrapped from the stores, are they going to ask me to open the wraps to check the items? or is that fine with it?

and merry christmas to everyone :)

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  • +4

    You wouldn't be able to use that receipt as it shows you paid $0,00 GST which you did as it was an exchange (you would have paid GST when you purchased the original which could have been almost two years ago).

  • +1

    also, of course you'll need to open the wrapped items as you could have anything in there including empty cardboard boxes/bricks etc.

    • This is not true, I have carried 4-5 items (tablets, macbook, iPhone) fully sealed and they didn't ask me to open it. Maybe it's different depending on who serve you?

      • +2

        Sealed in the original box is much different to having something wrapped in gift wrapping.

        • +2

          Oh yeah, my bad, didn't read the OP carefully enough. Hm yeah you might have to undo the wrapping and wrap it again when you are at your destination.

    • +2

      I guess everyone thought it was funny that you were trying to blame JB Hi-fi, thinking you might be entitled to compensation, or trying to get a refund then purchasing it again.

      Though as PissLUR said, And your parents wouldn't be able to claim it anyway as the receipt wasn't under their name.

      • -3

        Yes it is. I made it under their name. This is why presumptuous people should actually stfu when they don't know the personal circumstances and not go judge and jury unless you know them irl. I was actually trying to ask a question, not opening a free show where people throw hate and vent at me for no reason.

        • Yes it is. I made it under their name.

          She asked for my name and I wrote it down for her with my name on it and that was included in my receipt

          This part is likely the reason why we thought it was in your name.

          I was actually trying to ask a question, not opening a free show where people throw hate and vent at me for no reason.

          Nothing wrong with question which could have easily been made with half the amount of words, it's the blame shifting and sense of entitlement which got on everyone's nerves.

        • @ozhunter: That's ok! Thanks!! Yeah didn't mean to say the receipt was in my name :S

    • Sorry mate, but I don't think you're in the right with this one.

      Nobody was really being a douche to you on that thread, you asked a question and people answered it, perhaps it wasn't the answer you were expecting, but it's the right answer, that you are responsible for making sure the details are correct.

      That's the way everything is in this world, you can't rely on other people and the only person that you can depend on is yourself. You probably came in hoping that everyone would jump on the bandwagon and bash JB HiFi with you/

      • -4

        Thanks man!! you're so psychic you totally read through me, like it's a first - someone finally knew what I was trying to do!!!! Perhaps you could dedicate more of ur help on atarnotes - especially towards people who are depressed woopiee!! :) :) :) Oh what about another physics guide hahahah.

    • +1

      "… Sigh keyboard warriors, try talking like that to me in real life."

      Awwwwww, someone needs a hug…

    • Ban/downvote me? Wow you guys are so powerful!!!1!!!!!

      You've been here a month, you've posted no deals, and you don't seem to like the community here. If you don't like it here, really why do you stay?

  • +1

    Needs to be original, can't say re issue.

  • How / when did you pay for the original you returned? If longer than 60 days from departure you won't be eligible for GST refund. If within 60 days, check your email (if you bought from Apple store online) or login to your apple account if you paid via EasyPay at the store. I just looked at a few of my own and they don't read copy / reprint so should be fine for TRS purpose

    Safest is to go back and ask for the hard copy though, make sure you take the exchange receipt as well since TRS have checked serial numbers on me before

    Re: other thread, make sure they put your address on both receipts as it is required for over $1000 invoice GST claim. Finally if you're just going by yourself technically you can't bring the MBP back into the country without paying the GST back. If it's a present for someone overseas then not a problem, also ok if you're travelling with family since you can pool duty free allowance

    • I bought the original ~34 days ago using credit card in store (Broadway apple store). Just checked my email and my apple account couldn't find anything regards the receipt of the original one. even if I found it, the serial number is different than the new one which is another problem if they check. isn't there is a connection between them and the stores so they look into it?

      we are 3 passengers and only bring the MBP back the rest are gifts :) from here we can bring upto $2250

      • I had a similar scenario to yours, I bought a suit and paid upfront. I decided to change the suit I was buying, and the shop put the refund as a negative item on the same invoice as the new suit. I presented both the original and the new receipt to TRS and explained what happened and they refunded the GST for me

        I doubt there's any connection between the TRS office and the stores except for phone

      • Show them broth copy of receipt tell what your told us. you should be fine they will ask to check number on it. just do not declare it on way back in. You should be fine custom service job is look for biological hazards, drugs and crime. Not your $220 you clam for your mac book.

  • When did you purchase the original?

    • ~34 days ago

  • Hmmm, since this is the thread that seems to have TRS stuff on, I have a question. Without realising that it was in my English name, I made transaction and it has my English name on it. Because of that I had to make adjustments saying that a person with my real name will pick it up. If I cannot provide an ID with my English name, I will not be able to do TRS, am I correct? Thanks :) (If I can't, I will just see it as a tuition fee, didn't even know what TRS was before the purchase anyways)

    • I think it should be as your passport and bordingpass name.

      • :'( Oh well, next time I shall get it right. Thanks :)

        • +2

          Hm you need to provide any ID with your English name and preferably with a photo on the ID. Last time I showed them my sport membership card with my English name and photo on it, they let me claim GST just fine.

          But to save you the hassle, just ask the merchant to re-provide the receipt with your other name, it shouldn't be too hard for them.

    • I have seen people getting denied because his passport showing Ao instead of David. Name on receipt has to be the same as your passport.

    • Try asking the Customs Information and Support Centre, they might get this situation a lot:

      Within Australia: 1300 363 263
      Outside Australia: +61 2 9313 3010
      Email: [email protected]

  • +1

    be sure to download the app and show the code on smart phone which will save you time at the airport. i had to give up waiting in line in sydney as i would have missed my flight . the lines there are very long and you need to served about 40 mins before boarding time so good luck.

    • 10000% AGREE, very very long all the time. But <$1000 on goods purchased, you just need fill up the form and drop in the box. FedGov should raise the limit to $5000, it will help…

      • Do they have drop in box facility for item <$1000 in Perth Airport?
        Can you submit the preregistered Ref number (from TRS App/website) on the form to
        drop in the box?

      • how they check the items with the drop in the box? how its work?
        going to leave from Sydney too.

        Also I read about there is a central to check the items that in the baggage, where is located in the airport? any idea how this work?

        my flight at 6 am and willing to go there at 2:30 am, am I going to have enough time or I should go earlier?

        • I haven't seen a drop off box in Sydney before. If you are carrying the item in hand carry then definitely use the iPhone/Android app- you can overtake all the tourists claiming iPhones.

          As for stuff in check in baggage, I've heard it's possible but never figured out how to do it myself.

        • funny policy, if you read carefully, it states that you only can claim TRS 1 hour or 20mins before you boarding.

        • <1000, Items are not checked. Just drop the form in the box which is same as you voted in election. Form had 3 copies, you keep one as your reference, the rest of paper will be dropped in the box with your purchase receipt, the money will be transfer to your account. Bank account name must be same as claimer. When I am on overseas, money had been transfer to my account. the receipt will be mailed to you with stamp.

  • +2

    This is my story:


    To whom this may concern,

    RE: Claim number - Cxxxxxxx

    I recently travelled overseas and attempted to claim GST back from the TRS place at the Melbourne Airport. However, my claim has been rejected on the grounds that my tax invoice that I provided did not have the purchaser's “name” and “address” because it was over $1000. As a result, I asked the officer at the desk my next plan of action and I was told to contact the TRS department via mail or email with another tax invoice this time with a “name and address” on it in order to successfully claim GST back from the TRS when I arrived back in Australia. Consequently, when I returned back to Australia, I went back to David Jones (the place where I purchased the MacBook Pro from) and asked if they could fix my tax invoice for me so that it would meet TRS requirements. Attached to this email is my old and new receipts along with the “claim receipt” that I received from the TRS department at Melbourne Airport. Please let me know if you require any additional information as I will be more than happy to provide this. I thank you in advance for helping me out for this and I highly appreciate it.

    Kind regards,


    They then followed it back just today (right before they closed for Christmas):


    Thank you for providing the required details for processing the payment for Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) claim xxxxxx.

    This claim has now been updated and a payment authorised for processing. Please allow up to thirty working days for the cheque to arrive at the nominated address.

    If you have any further queries regarding this claim, please let us know.

    Brioni Young
    Senior Customs Officer | Tourist Refund Office |
    Australian Customs and Border Protection Service |
    Ph. 1300 555 043/ email: [email protected]

    Thankful and very happy / relieved.
    Let me know if that's any help :)

    NOTE: I originally told David Jones to put my name and address onto the invoice but I got brushed off and they said it would be "fine".
    NOTE2: I went back to David Jones to get my invoice changed (DJ Chadstone), the ladies at customer service were being very unhelpful / politically correct and not re-issuing a simple receipt with my name and address on it. So I went back to the counter and found the same person who sold it to me and got another invoice printed out. (SOOO MUCH RUNNING AROUND)

  • Just went to apple and asked for a receipt for the MBP without showing the replacement. The guy told me they can't do it, if I prefer it this way I should have asked for refund then buy the new MBP. But he thinks I should be fine, hopefully I get the tax back.

  • +3

    Everything went well, they gave me my tax back for everything. They were kind enough and didn't open the gifts. They didn't check all the items but the picked some randomly.

    The drop in box with the form was for who late for his/her flight and has 1-2 items

    • I had similar experiences to you and I think they apply some good common sense- e.g. if I'm claiming a PS4, controller, games, etc… more likely than not I have all the items and am carrying them with me if they've already seen the console and controller. I also like that they are reasonable in not expecting you to retain all packaging- e.g. when moving overseas I took all my game discs out and put them in a CD wallet.

      I actually have found the TRS guys to be very reasonable and understanding to deal with both via email and in person… and I commend them on putting up with the sheer number of tourists claiming iPhones, being rude and trying to jump the queue at any opportunity.

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