Bargain for those looking to get a logitech ue boom wireless speaker. Cheapest starting at $130.38. Cheaper than logitechshop. Enjoy guys
Bargain for those looking to get a logitech ue boom wireless speaker. Cheapest starting at $130.38. Cheaper than logitechshop. Enjoy guys
(>.<) i just bought mine today for $149 why oh why
Great speaker for the price. Best part is the functionality and portability.
This speaker is awesome!
Literally just bought it for $145 delivered.
Damn. DSE upped the price this morning even though the deal was supposed to run through today.
Showing back at $198 here too (2 for $299).
That price is for pickup only. $140.33 delivered which is higher than the logitech store. Good price if your local dick smith has stock.