I'm wanting a roof rack for my MY14 mitsubishi outlander .
where to start in obtaining one at the best price.
I'm wanting a roof rack for my MY14 mitsubishi outlander .
where to start in obtaining one at the best price.
Check reviews of whatever you're buying, especially if it's a third party brand. I bought a medium range Prorack product for my car and it was extremely loud above 80km/h. It was almost unbearable and I only use it when I have something large to carry.
Grab a bargain from your Mitsubihi dealer for a genuine factory roof rack, good luck
most auto shops have 15-20% off protrack/whispbar every 6-8 weeks
take your time - you will find a deal.
post christmas they will all have some reasonable specials too.
Check ebay… Recently got one for my car, good price & product. Not a outlander though.