This was posted 10 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Final Fantasy XIII [PC DOWNLOAD] $6.40USD


Square Enix are having a bit of a sale on at the moment and they have a great price for FF:XIII at a bargin price of $6.40USD with steam activation

Just remember this FF:XIII not the newer FF:XIII-2.

Other pc download deals can be found here

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Final Fantasy 14: random (9)

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Referee gets 20% Bonus XP Ring, 99x Free Teleportation tokens, Unique Greeting, 10X Silver Chocobo Feathers (Item tokens).

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Wish they made FF9 for PC or better yet, Android.

  • bought mine, but I had a little bit of a problem. When I purchased it, I didn't get the code immediately, didn't get it in my email either. Had to use my purchase identification code to get my steam activation code. Also, decided to purchase FF7, it just gave me one of those 'please wait to be redirected' never got redirected, didn't get anything in the email again either. Checked my purchase history - nothing's there. Had to contact support - which I believe will get back to me on next few working days..

    • +1

      That's strange. I have never had a problem buying anything from their site. Let us know how it all goes.

    • +1

      That happened to me too and for some reason Enix suspended my account, but luckily I was still able to get my steam key.

    • +1

      I had the same issue. How do I retrieve my Steam Key? I can't seem to find a Purchase Identification Code or anywhere to put one.

      Edit: Nevermind, I worked it out but I had to trudge through my browser history to find the "Order Completed" page. I'd probably have been screwed otherwise.

    • +1

      Putting my reply on my own message:

      I went to my paypal history, and there I found the order code. Use the order code and your account password to look for the game code. Hope that helps!

      • +1

        thanks for the advice

  • +1

    I picked it up as well, no email. Had to go my account and search the order ID + account password to retrieve the steam key. Download is massive though weighing in at nearly 60gb.

  • I heard the FF13 trilogy is getting the remaster treatment for PS4 next.

    • There was a third game?

      • Lightning Returns.

        • Ah yes I did see that one. I must have just deleted it from my mind. Is it any good? I really enjoyed the first one.

        • @mafmouf: No. And it is a good thing you deleted it from your mind. Actually you should delete the entire trilogy from your mind.

        • If you enjoyed the first, you'll enjoy the next two. Imo, both are weaker than the original. Lightning Returns is more fun that XIII-2, though; especially the exploration aspect.

    • God why.
      13 was the worst FF followed closely by 13-2

  • You can purchase FF XIII 2 from GMG for $16 using 20% coupon code (726B15-MPNMO3-FJLGSJ).

    • thanks dude!

  • I've never played a FF game before and I've been debating picking this one up. For this price do you guys think it would be an alright game to start with?

    • Considering its $16 on steam store, i'd say yes. Was only recently released on PC too!

    • +1

      I'd have to say no as this is a pretty terrible Final Fantasy game.

      If you think you can deal with the outdated graphics pick up 7, 8 or 9 (with 7 probably being the hardest to play graphics wise).

      The remade Final Fantasy III and IV are pretty good and are both available on Steam.

      If you do end up getting this one, don't let it put you off the older games as XIII is not like the rest.

      • Thanks for the advice, after watching some gameplay I decided to get XIII and VII.

        • +1

          XIII is an action RPG and VII is more indicative of the series as a whole.

          VII is one of the best games I've ever played; the story, characters, and music are stunning. XIII is a solid game; melodramatic and a little silly, but still very entertaining, undeserving of the intense vitriol thrown at it, and actually a fantastic starting point for the series since the combat is so easy and the game itself is quite focused (aka linear).

        • +1

          If you're going to play 7, the PSP is the best place to play it. It's the only platform that you can play it on where it won't get scaled into a pixelly mess because it supports 1:1 pixel mapping. It looked like crap on my 720p TV, and will look even worse on a 1080p TV.

          VII is a great game, and if you played it back then, you could still play it now without being abhorred by the graphics. But if you're just playing it now without any nostalgia, you will find it to be a very outdated game. It's one of those things where you just had to be there at the time.

    • +1

      13 is literally one of the worst ff games story and character wise. 13-2 was more fun to play, but the story was just as bad. Never got around to lightning returns, because it only came out for last gen consoles, also not entirely sure I wanted it regardless due to how bad the two before were.

      If you have a 3DS get bravely default, its the best ff game in years (and isnt officially a ff game).

      • Isn't the story really bad in that game too?

        I'm not sure if Square still has any good stories left in them. They seem to have lost the plot (sorry).

        • Nah, it can get a bit repetitive at the end if you're a completionist, but realistically it's still far better than anything squeenix has made since ff9. (I liked TWEWY, but characters in that were super lame).

          ff13 and 13-2's story is on a whole nother level. It was like it was written by a 13 year old and then reinterpreted by someone who read the first line of every chapter of the script. It is literally an example in how not to write a story.

        • @RI4V4N:

          Nah, it can get a bit repetitive at the end if you're a completionist, but realistically it's still far better than anything squeenix has made since ff9. (I liked TWEWY, but characters in that were super lame).

          Are we talking about the story or the gameplay? I heard they took all the classic FF tropes, like crystals, amnesiac hero, and saving the world, and threw them all in for shit n giggles.

        • @lostn:
          Bravely Default has a story similar to the older ff snes games, but with a modern battle system that fixes the annoying grindy shit in JRPGS.

          And yeah, one of the guys has amnesia, it's not really in an annoying way though and he's not the main protagonist either. Japanese game makers can't help themselves with amnesia.

        • @RI4V4N: To me it sounds like it was deliberate. Even they know they've overused these cliches and tropes. Does the town you begin at get burned down shortly after?

          For me, to play an RPG, I have to both enjoy the combat and be engrossed in the plot. A fan battle system alone isn't enough anymore.

        • @lostn:

          The plot is still good regardless and the characters still seem genuine and not written by a 12 year old, ala, ff13/13-2.

          The story and the gameplay are both still better than any squeenix game since ff9. Just making that opinion clear (I feel it is more fact than opinion due to how terrible the other squeenix games have been though).

    • +1

      Nope worst game of the series.

  • 60gb download? why can't we just buy the phyical disc:(

    • It would need to be on a Bluray disc. I don't know of any PC games that use that format. It took a while before games started releasing on DVD. Not everyone had a drive, so they held off for years and released on multiple CDs instead. For consoles it was standard in every unit. PCs were more fragmented.

      With the way games are increasingly going digital, we may never get PC games on BD.

      I could be wrong though. What format was CoD AW released on?

      • I think it was on 3/4 dvds on xbox360.

        • Yes but its cinematics used DVD quality movies, whereas the PS3 version used bluray quality 1080p CG. 3 or 4 DVDs don't add up to 60GB, so I presume the PC version is getting the full HD cutscenes.

  • +1

    i didn't even know this game existid on PC

  • +2

    FF13 was the first to introduce playing as only 2 characters in a split party scenario for over 50% of the game. The start of the storyline isn't a bad concept, but towards the end seemed to become a 'wtf is happening, who's that guy' kind of plot.

    FF13-2 tried to answer some questions, but failed in the delivery only raising more. Again you play as a 2-man party that time travels. Completionists will like this one as you can trigger alternate endings towards the end of the game, then finish the storyline the way it was intended. Still a terrible plot.

    FF13-LR I never bothered to finish because it bored me so much. You have become a time controlling demi-god that is actually short on time to save as many souls as possible for a machine god before the Earth inevitably explodes… in a few days. The entire game is composed of taking and completing as many quests as possible in a day, which levels you up (that's right, getting into fights doesn't level you. It only replenishes your ability to pause time, which is used up by fighting the monsters anyway!)

    FF15 better be f*ing better. Long live FF6-9.

    • FF15 better be f*ing better. Long live FF6-9.

      You sound like you still have a lot of faith for this game. Based on how long it's been taking, personally I don't. It's still only 50% done last I checked, and it's been in development since 2006. It might get 2 sequels also…

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