Simple question. I have been on this site for years (don't comment much though) and out of all the bargains i have purchased, my favourite was the Seiki 55" Full HD LCD LED for $505 with free delivery. Have been using this in my bedroom for the last couple of months and it's definitely one of the better TV's of this site/resolution i have seen. and for this price its absolutely crazy.
and then there's those $5 final days slazenger sales that i love (recently topped by the $1 slazenger sale - that is yet to be delivered to me :| )
whats your favourite?
Back in ye 'olde days 2009, when OzBargain had really low traffic, no 'reps' and Fishpond was 'realiable'. I got myself a Xbox 360 60gb with Halo3, ODST, Wars for $190 shipped. Took the three games and 'trade baited' at JB Hifi for Mass Effect 2 which I then traded to EB Games with the Edge Card bonus trade value coupon for $96 credit.