SSD. Best value for high-ish performance.

Hi looking for an SSD with good/high performance and reliability but does not cost a bomb (relatively).

Aware that you get what you pay for so what could I get with $250?

Best to be Australian stock so I can claim a GST refund in when I fly off in a month.



  • +1

    For $250, you can get up to 500GB. I think the SSD sweet spot currently is the 240-256GB section, but the larger the storage the better value.

    MSY has the Samsung 840 EVO for $250 exactly from staticice

    P.S. Quoted MSY because it is national… there are some that are cheaper by a few bucks…

  • +1

    Samsung Evo all the way.

  • +1

    for TRS GST refunds you must spend >300 on the one invoice.
    +1 for Evo

    • +2

      they've changed it

      your purchases from any single business total $300 (GST inclusive) or more. For example, if you bought items from one business - even on separate invoices - that together total $300, these items may be eligible for a tax refund under TRS

      • +2

        thanks. news to me.
        either way, OP still needs to spend $50 more at same shop.

        • +1

          news to me too

          i was looking for the bit where you weren't allowed to bring it back into Australia but it seems they have changed that rule too

          unless i am reading it wrong, seems you can bring it back but the total of your claim will go towards to your total allowable amount on return

          If the total value of the goods you are bringing in is greater than your Passenger Concession, including goods for which you have previously claimed a tax refund under TRS:

          you must declare all of these goods
          for goods where you have previously claimed a tax refund under TRS, you will need to pay that refund back
          duty and tax will apply to all items of this type, not just goods over the limit of your passenger concession.

    • Yup, I am aware of that. Will plan to buy some other stuff as well. Thanks.

  • +1

    Any SSD will speed up your system remarkably. As others have said Samsung 840 EVO is a good SSD in terms of price/performance. Sandisk SSDs are also relatively good, I've used them, nice and reliable. Intel SSDs have legendary reliability, but are a bit more expensive. You can't go wrong with any brand.

  • +1

    Yep, EVO's.

    Or, INTEL for stupid reliability.

  • +1

    If you're going to get a Samsung EVO SSD make sure you apply the latest firmware update as soon as possible:…

    The news of Samsung's SSD 840 EVO read performance degradation started circulating around the Internet about a month ago. Shortly after this, Samsung announced that they have found the fix and a firmware update is expected to be released on October 15th. Samsung kept its promise and delivered the update yesterday through its website (download here).

    The fix is actually a bit more than just a firmware update. Because the bug specifically affects the read speed of old data, simply flashing the firmware isn't enough. The data in the drive has to be rewritten for the changes in the new firmware to take place. Thus the fix comes in the form of a separate tool, which Samsung calls Performance Restoration Software.

  • Thanks guys, its a resounding yes for the 840 EVO. Will get that!

    Not sure how it works with the moderators but this post is resolved. =)

  • I am going against the Samsung EVOs because they are selling TLC at the price of MLC. Go Intel for peace of mind. You will not notice any difference in speed in real life use.

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