A friend of mine is building his first computer and looks like he made a bit of a blunder. He had it all going and it booted up fine but the LEDs on the 2 aftermarket fans werent working, he plugged one of them into the PLED1 header and it worked, he turned it off and plugged the other one into the same header and turned it on and that one worked as well, he turned it off and tried the other fan again but it wouldnt turn back on, completely dead.
I'm currently trying to get some more information off him before I tell him he's an idiot but just wanted to see if any one has any experience with this kind of stuff and tell me whether he is up for a new PSU, Motherboard, or whether it should be just fine and something else might be causing the problem.
Motherboard: Asrock Z97 Anniversary Edition
PSU: Corsair CX600M
how did he manage that? lol.
I doubt he's cooked it, but its possible since he's drawing 0.6A or more (because LED fan) out of a port that might not have regulation, and is expecting 0.1A draw or so.