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Humble Store Winter Sale


The Humble Store has kicked off it's 14 day Winter Sale with some Good deals.

4 Pack of Screen Cheat for $9.99
Shadow Of Mordor for $29.99
This War of Mine Deluxe Edition for $16.99 (The cheapest its been I think)
Alan Wake + American Nightmare for a stupidly low $3.99 thats 90% off
Lego Batman 3 for $19.99

And many many more.

Why are you still reading this? Go get some good games at good prices

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closed Comments

  • +4

    The Bridge is a no-brainer at $0.79 USD…great game ;)

    • I love that game, and yet hate it at the same time

  • Is Shadow Of Mordor for $29.99 a good price for this game? Or should I wait until it drops further.
    I'm not really in much of a hurry to play anyway, I have a huge steam backlog!

    • Who cares about steam backlog.. BUY ALL THE GAMES!!

    • Seems like every key site has had it at 29USD lately at some point, I'd probably wait a little longer.

    • +3

      I thought steam itself was a game, like pokemon, where you try to empty your wallet as fast as you can while collecting games that will probably sit in cybernetic dust for a long time?

      • +5

        My Steam Library is like a Nuclear Weapons Stockpile. On paper it's extensive and formidable, but it'll never see any use due to Mutually Assured Destruction (in this case the destruction of my career, social life, health and sanity, if I were to ever get serious about playing through my entire library).

        • +4

          I know the feeling.

          I currently have 1113 games in my steam library and every one of them is installed over a span of 4 Solid State Drives, y'know just in case for some reason feel the need to play "Boo Bunny Plague" or "Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time"

        • +1

          I still have Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble! I don't remember when I acquired it, but I hope to god that it was from a bundle or something.

        • @AznMitch:


        • @Shindo989: I dare not touch it, on the basis of potential chance of it proving my insanity.

  • Oulast looks like a good option for 4.99? Anyone played that yet? recommend it?

    • Played it on PS4

      Its enjoyable, if you dont mind the whole "go to turn on the camera and wander around in night vision to see anything" aspect to it.

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