This was posted 10 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

SimCity 2000 - Free on Origin


Another free game from Origin. Usually $5.99

Now you can design any city you can imagine and SimCity 2000™ will bring it, and its resident Sims, to life.

It has all the features, flexibility, art, animation, and power you need to create an environment of your dreams. Choose from a selection of bonus cities and scenarios to rule or ruin as you please. Build schools, libraries, hospitals, zoos, prisons, power plants, and much more… Lay down roads, railways, and highways. Explore the underground layer and build subways and utilities without compromising your aesthetics. Customize different buildings or design your own graphics sets from scratch.

This is the ultimate classic Maxis city-building and management simulation. If this game were any more realistic, it'd be illegal to turn it off!

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Best game ever. Funnily enough the other day I was wondering if they ever made a port as I remember playing this one on a Mac back in school.

    • +1

      Remember when I had that LC575 at home and I installed it too?

      Awesome game, downloading this now!

      • Ah yes. Would be a great commuter game on the train or something.

        • Good thing I have my Windows tablet! :D

    • +13

      Reminds me of when PC games came in boxes bigger than a4 paper…

      • +5

        There was a Sim City compilation/shovelware pack called Sim Mania or Sim Collection that came in a box about 15cm deep, with a Biblically-sized manual that could take out a housecat and a carrying handle on the top of the box.

        You know… just in case you wanted to walk around with it on your morning commute and get all the females gossiping about the size of your compilation package.

        LGR shows it in one of his Maxis Collection and History videos.

        • Oh man, I remember those manuals!!!!!!

  • +ve for the deal….

    -ve that you need to install Origin and be logged into Origin everytime you play. And since it runs on DOSBox, everytime I exit the game (tried 3 times already), my graphics card seems to hate the switch resulting in me needing to reset the PC.

    • Not sure it's possible to launch the origin version like I do with my CD copy, but it will work in windows 7 if you turn off aero and set compatibility flag "256 Colours" on the exe (possibly some other flags too). I used to play it without using dosbox or any of that on win7.

    • Yeah, great game but seriously.. (profanity) Origin. (profanity) it right in the ear.

    • I was going to make a joke like "do I need an always-on internet connection to play?" but it doesn't seem funny now.

    • Dosbox. Really? My copy I had back in the day was Windows based. :/

    • I'm no tech support or anything but I'd suggest right clicking the game icon -> Properties -> Compatibility tab -> Run this program in compatibility mode for: and just play around with it ?

    • +1

      You don't need to be logged in to Origin every time you play. Copy the DOS files out and uninstall Origin if you must.

  • +5

    I spent countless hours building cities, and then importing them into SimCoper and Streets of SimCity… ahh, good times.

    • +2

      oh man, I didn't have SimCopter, I had the demo of SimCopter, and still spent hours and hours flying around, breaking up traffic jams with a megaphone etc.

      • Is that when the random aliens come down and start shooting lasers?

        • Haha. Yes, rarely. And then you would need to pick up people and fly them to the hospital.
          Later on, you can get an Apache, and shoot it down!

        • +1

          @Xebozone: I never knew about the importing to other sims. Pretty cool! May check YT for clips.

    • SimCopter is awesome!!

  • Best phone ringtone

  • +15

    Time to reticulate some splines!

  • +2

    Does it come with a steam key?


  • +6

    Ah the good old days before EA ruined sim city.

  • +1

    Free is free.
    Obvious stunt to get Origin installed.
    But it's not THAT bad, is it?

    • No, it's fine.

    • -3

      same reason I got rid of steam, it just creates another barrier to gaming.

      Auto turns on, pop ups.. etc

  • +5

    Why is Origin doing this?

    Our goal is to provide a great gaming experience and a way to discover awesome new games. Having a game in your library, for free, is a fantastic way to see what Origin is all about.

    So we can see how awesome maxis was before EA bought them out and turned them into shit? We can definitely "see what Origin is all about".

  • +2

    Should've gone with SimCity 3000 at least it was made for Windows not DOS…

    • +1

      I think SimCity 4 (2003) was the best in the franchise. Although they were all good up to and including SimCity 4. Although SimCity (2013) was a disaster as were some of the spin-offs such as Streets Of Sim City and SimCopter. Still worth getting SimCity 2000 as a free game.

      • I got SimCity 4 free as a "reward" for putting up with the servers being down for the first month of SimCity (2013) which I got free in a contest lol

    • My copy of SimCity2000 was Windows, not DOS. Is this really the DOS version? :(

      • Check below if you still have Windows copy.

  • Every time I see EA doing a freebie thing, it really makes me chuckle.

    Steam sales "cheapens your intellectual property."….

    Though, free games, I am happy. It just makes me chuckle at the irony that is all.

  • +1

    Only knew the Atari version. Damn godzilla and and those earthquakes always came along when I was doing well.

    • +2

      You should of clicked no no natural disasters tab lol

      • +2

        I can't remember seeing that. Oh well, thanks. Better knowing 25 years later than never.

  • +3

    I still have my boxed copy with the install floppies and shit! Back in the days when games came with 150 page manuals. One of the best simulator games of all time.

    I assume this is the DOSBox GOG version or something, not the Windows one.

    EDIT: It's packaged with DOSBox, but not as neatly as the GOG one. Works great though.

  • You can also get Dead Space 1 for all of you who didn't get it the first time using hola going to the french store.

    • +1

      Apparently you can only install French or German languages though?…

      • yeah nvm. sorry about that.

        • I dunno… French sci fi has a few things going for it. Adds to the experience and you can use a walkthrough.

          I'm just waiting for C&C4 to get a free release… maybe they'll get the servers back online and try to build up the game community. I wouldn't pay for it (C&C as a moba is sacrilege) but I'd be open to playing it as a freebie.

  • Got a CD copy kicking around I was trying to sell on Gumtree with no luck for $10

  • I'd recommend anyone that really wants a good SC2K experience to run Sheepshaver with a Mac OS 9 boot disk instead. It's way better than the crummy DOS version! :)

  • damn i remember this game
    The Alien UFO used to destroy parts of my city.

  • +5

    Love this game.

    Fund <enter>
    Fund <enter>
    $ Budget window - Buy bond.


  • Thank you!

  • +1

    Sim Tower was pretty awesome too!

  • +4

    For those that still have a boxed copy of SimCity 2000 for Windows (y'know the better version) you can get it working on modern Windows using these steps:

    1. Insert your game disc.
    2. Download SimCity 2000 Installer For Windows 7/8.
    3. Run installer, point it to the SC2K folder on the disc. Don't tick Only Register or Install Load Game Patch.
    4. Enter desired game details and shortcut options and follow the prompts to complete installation.
    5. Browse to the folder where you installed the game (most likely C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 2000), right-click SIMCITY.EXE > Properties > uncheck Read-Only > Click OK.
    6. Download and copy the contained EXE to where SIMCITY.EXE is.
    7. Run sc2k_w7_patch.exe (might need admin permission due to being in Program Files) and let it patch the game.
    8. Launch SimCity 2000 and enjoy!
  • I got it and installed it, started playing and then realized how old it was and what fun I had with it when I played it years ago. I then turned closed it a proceeded to do nothing for the rest of the afternoon :/

  • I've been getting:

    Hang on a second.
    There was an issue that kept us from completing your request. No need to panic, just give it another try later.

    for the last couple of days while trying to download it. Anyone got any ideas?

  • +1

    88mb, that would be a lot of floppies back in the day…

  • Too bad it's windows only, but I took the offer anyway.

  • I have not played the latest version of Simcity (the one released last year) but so far I enjoyed Simcity 2000 the most out of the entire series.

    I don't think the graphics will hold up but they should remake this for Android and IOS.

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