This was posted 10 years 2 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wii U eShop 50-66% off : Runner 2 - $4.99 | Ducktales:Remasterd $9.75 | Epic Mickey 2 $24.99


Taking a break from playing Bit.Trip Runner, thanks to this original post and popped into the eShop to see what was on offer.

Happy to see some decent discounts on some quality titles.

Runner 2 4.99 regular (RRP 14.99)
Duck Tales Remastered 9.75 (RRP 19.50)
Epic Mickey 2 24.95 (RRP 49.95)

I bought runner 2 after watching the video on the aforementioned link of the original deal.
GREAT value for $4.99. Highly addictive, and deceptively yell-at-the-TV-difficult platformer with a twist.
Well worth the $5 spend. Even if all you do is laugh when you find out the fish character has swaying sagging testies when you select him as a character (Rated G??? The discussions I will have when my 7 year old unlocks that character will be interesting….)

I'm an old gamer and have fond memories of the original Duck Tales game.

Epic Mickey 2 shows $19 at JB HiFi according to StaticIce but consider the convenience of not having to load a disc when you want to play and decide whether or not a trip to JB is worth saving an extra $4.95.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Just a reminder for those that have the deluxe console that the digital deluxe program stops at the end of the month, so this is a great way to get some points and get those eshop codes, especially considering that ducktales is a great title.

    • I have the black wii u but all i have from it was star points which cannot be used to buy eshop games? I am confused now..

      • +1

        On the side of the box it notes, if you got the deluxe model. You'll be legible for the Digital Deluxe Promotion which when you sign up with your NNID, you'll be able to get back 10% of your digital purchases, as long as it hits $70(with a weird point system) you'll get $7 back in the form of an eshop code. This expires at the end of this year. You have to manually sign up on the Digital Deluxe Promotion site and also redeem the codes everytime you spend $70/acquire 700 points.

  • +1

    Epic Mickey- Castle of Illusions is $13 on the 3DS

    Played the demo last night, not bad

  • +2

    Runner 2 is worth your money

  • THANKS!!! been waiting for Ducktales to be discounted again, missed it last time.

  • it may be a discount for console, but it really annoys me that consoles 'bargains' are nowhere near PC discounts eg: Runner 2 is $2.24 for PC on the Humble store at the moment.…

    Ducktales has been regularly down to $5.09
    Epic Mickey 2 was $9.99 USD on Steam last week (I bought the Disney mega pack of 15 games for $50).

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