Need a New Phone That Does 8 Simple Things

I don't care about how many features it has. I don't want to carry around a tiny mobile computer, I've already got an ipad and a laptop for that so I don't care about apps or games and I don't need bucketloads of storage, something like 8gb should be fine. I don't care about screen quality and the usual smartphone stuff at all.

I used to have a Samsung GalaxyS2 and I liked the camera on it but the battery drained so fast and notes had a limit of 1500 words. Definitely don't want another phone like that. It was useful but I used about 4 apps on it with any regularity. So, any suggestions for a cheap phone, hopefully under or around $200 that:

(1) Is not huge and I can hold in one hand.
(2) Lets me use Tripview. This is super important because I use public transport so much.
(3) Needs internet to make finnancial transfers or read email if I absolutely have to.
(4) Decent battery life. Doesn't die in 3 hours.
(5) Standard phone shit - good at texting and calling.
(6) Durable or as close as you can get to durable these days.
(7) Touchscreen because I'm faster at typing that way.
(8) Integrated note taking function. I don't want to download an app for this because when it's part of the firmware transferring the notes is easier.

(Optional) Good camera. It does at least need a decent camera since I have to document stuff all the time.


  • +2

    Moto G comes to mind, though its around $250.

  • +2

    It sounds to me like the best option for your use case/ criteria is a windows phone. (Wow, never thought I'd hear myself say that)

    It has trip view. Onenote is integrated and is a great note taking tool. Plus there's lots of cheap options out there.

  • Thanks Ozhunter, I did look at the Moto G. It's definitely on my list. Running low on cash because of Christmas though so I wanted to see if anyone knew of a thriftier solution. :)

    Do you have any particular suggestions, Mooney? I admit outside of Apple products and the Samsung Galaxy and Note models I don't know all that much about phones.

    • +1

      Cheaper than the Moto G?

      Try Moto E. Battery life is supposedly mediocre though.

      And even cheaper is the THL 4000. USD $85.99 @Gearbest

      The phone sacrifices display resolution for some pretty baller battery specs — 4000mah. That's roughly 2.2 times the capacity of the Samsung S2.

      Performance in terms of CPU will be a significant upgrade (MTK 6589 is a lot faster than the S2's TI OMAP processor) but expect some pretty poor quality photos.

  • Not too sure… This looks a good start though.…

    Good price at Harvey Norman too..…

    If you are used to higher end phones like apple and galaxy notes these might feel too low tech for you though. The screen resolution is proper crap.

  • I'm not really bothered about the screen resolution but the time it takes for pictures and a few other things sound annoying. At $160 I think it's affordable but I might go with the Moto G instead based on performance.

    I'll keep looking but thanks for the feedback :)

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