Further to my wife's Paypal account suspension for no reason, Ebay has now restricted my account.
I spent 30 minutes with their representative on the phone and this idiot kept on saying that my account is linked with my wife and therefore she needs to contact Ebay to remove her restriction and once her restriction has been lifted, I will need to make a appeal to reinstate my account.
My wife and I operate as two different entities and I don't understand if my wife has done something wrong, how can I be held liable for it.
If my wife's restriction is not removed, does it mean my account is also restricted for good?
Can I take Ebay to NSW Civil and Administration Tribunal or is there any other regulatory body who can assist me?
Sounds like your account has been flagged for withdrawing funds (ie money laundering) they think has been obtained through illegal means. I once went through hell because a scammer abused their automated system to buy my products for free. Once a paypal initiated dispute has been placed on your account they 'flag' it and watch how you transfer funds. You may have moved cash from your wife's account then she withdrew it immediate, which is why they suspect it's operated under an individual rather than two different people.
You need to just play their shitty game and call them. Or alternatively call the Financial Ombudsman Service for the slow way out.