This was posted 10 years 2 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tales of Xillia Day One Edition PS3 $24 + $1 Shipping JB Hi-Fi Online


Excellent probably unbeatable price for Tales of Xillia Day one edition in new condition.

Only a few things to know before ordering.

  1. These are shipped out from local stores (I think) so they might not be in Mint condition.
    (Day one edition cardboard boxs might be in less then perfect condition due to customers dropping and shelf handling Stickers ect.)
  2. They might not be factory sealed since JB likes to decase games.
  3. They'll be shipped via normal mail untracked and in a bubble mailer most likely.
  4. It might be a grey import. (JB does do gray import for games.)

So Basically if your ok with a chance of getting a factory sealed or less then perfect copy of this game this bargain is for you.

I called one of the JB's that had this in stock and they confirmed it's the AUS Day one edition instead of the EU's Limited edition or whoever had the "limited edition" version.

Also if your one of the few who actually live where theres stock you could call and ask them to hold stock for you and then make one of those 20% off coupons for trialing there music program.

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closed Comments

  • According to the site, this is the Limited Edition, the Day One Edition is $49

    • Call the local shop and check the sku They send out a Day one edition.
      There is no difference between a Day one edition and a limited edition other than the literal words "limited edition". Edit the day one edition your referencing is the sequel tales of xillia 2

      • Actually there was a Limited Edition and it came with a 20-30cm statue of Milla among a few other things. Highly doubt this version is that though because it's long been sold out.

        • +1

          Yeah that was the "MILLA MAXWELL COLLECTOR'S EDITION" version though.

  • I played through this game, Definitely one of the better Tales series! IMO Xillia 2 sucks though.

  • Bought it for $60 a while ago… still haven't touched it yet.
    Still playing Persona 3 on my PSP….

    • I'm still juggling a ton of games myself. Persona 3 Fes, disgaea 1 replay, valkyria chronicles 2 psp. Half way into disgaea 3 on ps3 and other ps3 games but no longer have a way of playing that I find acceptable until I get a hd tv.

    • I'm playing P4G on Vita. 60 hours in, still only 4 months into the year. I'm loving it.

      Is it hard to go back to P3 after playing P4?

      P.S. I bought Xillia digitally on US PSN for $10.

      • Well the PSP version is cursor driven almost like traditional japanese dating sim like format of adventure so its not so bad in terms of prettiness. And I played a fair amount on emulator to output 3D models (like during dungeon sequences) in full hd. Then my game stopped transitioning to new day half way through first year, so I jumped back on my PSP. Takes a little while to get back used to PSP display but got used to it.

    • Unless they have an American version you'll be sent the day one edition Australia edition which is that without the dlc costumes.

  • -1

    I think the 20% discount might have expired.

    I haven't received the coupon yet… :(

    • +1

      Let us know if you get the coupon. Also you better get them to set one aside for you if you can buy one in person. As you can't use the coupon online.

  • Too bad I bought a digital edition a few weeks ago.

  • +1

    snagged one. thanks OP :)

  • +1

    229 click throughs sure hope they have an accurate stock checker unlike good guys. I wouldn't think they'd have that many of these left.

  • What's the difference between this and normal edition?

    • +1

      With this one you'll get the a card board box, soundtrack, game, (a manual!) Art book and the case art had internal printing art too (foliage).
      A standard Australia version should have just the case, game, and manual not sure if the case art had internal printing. The standard usa version I bought and sold didn't come with a manual and had warnings on the inside of the case art. Felt ripped off with that. USA version was the worst.

      • Damn it I just bought this back in August for 16.95 on PSN guess I missed out all that

  • +1

    thanks OP I grabbed one too :D

  • +2

    Alright I order one, couldn't help myself I love the Tales series games and a bargain. Only one problem….I don't have a PS3. What is wrong with me? Anyways nice find Scaregdearimasu.

    • +2

      I grabbed one as well…my PS3 broke roughly 12 months ago =/ haha. But once it's fixed, and you get a PS3, we'll both be set! :D

      • Did your bluray laser die? That's an easy fix. Ylods are pretty terminal though. You can fix them temporally but it'll Happen again.

        • Fortunately no, PSU blew up. I've checked and the one for my model is about $80~ but…I'm just lazy and haven't gotten around to it >_<"

        • +1

          Ow $80? Maybe try posting a gumtree listing to buy one for less. If you have any computer assembly knowledge replacing those are super easy on the slim model. Literally pull it out and pop a new one in.

    • +1

      Ha don't worry your not the only one to buy games without the console. I have like 8 vita games but no vita yet. Buy the games when they come up cheaply regardless whether you have the console or not if you know you'll eventually get one. I doubt you'll ever be able to get this version for less then this price short of Sunday markets or friends. Now I have a different problem I have a ps3 and good collection but not a tv worthy of playing these games on lol.

      • You should have bought the Vita. Now you can only get the slim 2000 models which have a poorer screen and look cheap, like the PSP E1000s.

        • +1

          If i'm honest, i've owned both models and both are good. The screen on the 1000 is undoubtedly better, but it's not to say the 2000's screen is crap or anything. It's still a nice screen.

          Plus, the battery life and overall speed (I'm sure the 2000 got a minor RAM speed bump) is better in the 2000.

          Also, the contours and shape of the console is much, much better. It feels lighter and more comfortable over long sessions, and the rear touchpad has been made smaller and is less invasive.

          As I said, both models are great, just don't know why people knock the 2000 so much. I have the 2000 at the moment with no issues, and if anything I like more, overall.

        • @kyriacou48: The screen isn't as vibrant. I think games' colour palette were designed with the 1000 in mind, though I could be wrong.

          Anyway the unit itself just looks cheap. Instead of a continuous front panel, there's a box around the screen. The gloss does not continue over to the buttons. The screen is glossy but the plastic around the buttons is matte. The box around the screen looks ugly. Even the PSP didn't have that.

          You might say it's not as bad as other people say, but if it's selling for the same price as the 1000 was, I'd rather give up the improvements it made and get a 1000. If it was an option.

  • Thanks op grabbed one online.

  • Oh crap… this is tales of xillia one not two, I thought it was two cause you said day one edition. Crap… now I need to try and get a refund.

  • +1

    Ok it's gone from "In stock" to "Awaiting Stock" I doubt they'll be able to buy anymore of these as they were First edition releases and they are no longer made.

    Anyone think I should mark expired or just leave it up so others can take their chances?

    • +1

      I took a chance. Some stores still showing as having pickup stock so I would hope they can ship that stock.

    • +1

      I bought it while it had "Awaiting Stock" status and it shipped, I'd say leave it up until it's out of stock.

      • +1

        Ok will do thanks!
        oh it's gone from "awaiting stock" to "special order".
        Should be out soon hah.

        • guess it's expired now as the page comes up as "The page you were after lived a good and happy life, but now it is no longer with us. That's ok though, because we have thousands more that are alive and just as great."

  • +2

    Got cancellation email. :/

    • Bummer Sorry about that. I wonder how long till jb gets web shop together and has accurate stock levels.
      Seems like this shouldn't be an issue any more.

  • +2

    SUBJECT: Title Deletion

    Dear Customers,

    Thanks for your order for “PS3 TALES OF XILLIA DAY 1 LTD EDT” through JB Hi-Fi Online.

    I have contacted our supplier regarding this title. Unfortunately they have advised that they will no longer be able to source this title. Our product team will be deleting it off our database.

    I have now cancelled your order.

    For Credit Card refunds: Please allow up to five business days for your bank to process the transaction.
    For Paypal: Please allow 24 hours for notification of your refund via email.
    For Gift Card: Please allow 24 hours to receive a replacement gift card via email
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Kind Regards,

    JB Hi-Fi Online Division
    JB Hi-Fi Group Pty Ltd
    Postal Address:
    JB Hi-Fi Online
    PO Box 561 Chadstone Centre VIC 3148

  • +1

    Got cancellation email :(

  • +1

    Mine came through, everything is great except the seal was broken and the top part of the packaging was damaged. Annoyed but glad I got it at a cool price.

    • +1

      Good to hear you at least received it. Received mine too but mine wasn't factory sealed and the box was a little squished on part of it. Still though at $25 thats a excellent price for used even so I'm only a little annoyed. So basically if your going to buy a collectors item don't buy from JB online.

      Played a few seconds of it and it looks like it'll be an excellent game kinda lame they didn't include the Japanese dub with it though. Surely they didn't fill the bluray disc and it would've taken what 5 minutes work to add it in I dunno, surely not much though.

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